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Brad: You! *Gets up*

Zander: Me

Brad: Shut up

Zach: Brad listen

Brad: listen you think I'm going to give you the time of day to-


Brad: AH! *Falls to his knee*

Zach: Zander what the fuck

Zander: You can never be to sure

Zach: We need him for the plan you jackass!

Zander: I know

Brad: I'll kill you....

Zander: No you won't Negan will he is bringing you people to your knees

Zach: Dwight sent us you have to listen

Brad: I'm done trusting you!

Zach: Do you want Negan dead or not!

Brad: I want all of you dead! Do you have any idea! What he did to German

Zach: Yeah we were there we saw the whole thing that wasn't suppose to happen

Zander: It wasn't apart of the plan

Brad: You need to realize nothing goes according to plan anymore! You can think, wish or pray but it never does! We are all doomed to die and it's thanks to you!

Zach: But-

Zander: No don't I knew this was a waste of time come on let's go

Zach: *Throws down a bandage*

{Zander and Zach leave the alley}

Brad: *Puts his head down*

Walkers: GAHH!

Brad: I'm done just get it over with...



{Walkers fly everywhere due to the explosion}

Abraham: What the fuck is going on here!

Daryl: Looks like a slaughter

Sasha: Shit we need to help now!

Negan: I'm going to strangle you Rick!

Rick: I'd like to see you try

Negan: Alright fucker hold still

{Savior body parts go flying everywhere}

Negan: Holy fuck!

Rick: *Pulls a knife and slices Negans neck*

Negan: *Falls on his back* FALL BACK DAMMIT FALL BACK AGAIN!

Rick: It's not going to be so easy this time

Negan: You think?

Rick: *Charges at Negan*

Walkers: *Cut Rick off* AHHH

Rick: Shit

{Bodies fall to the floor(2)}

Brad: I have got to make up my mind

Savior: *Charges at brad with an axe*


Brad: Thanks

Baylee: Don't mention it

Caitlin: What now

Rick: We rebuild and we arm ourselves this isn't over

Baylee: It never is

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