Time to re-assemble

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Owen: Alright team our first target to get to come back and help defend against the horde is Zach all that's listed in his profile by Eugene is he's living in a suburban house

Driver: I see a heavily barricaded house up ahead

Owen: And so it begins

{The car stops and everyone gets out}

Owen: Stay alert everyone we don't know what we are up against

Isaac: The doors unlocked

Owen: *Knocks on the door* Hello anyone home we are friendly *Goes inside* Someone go clear the dining room

Tim: I'm on it

Owen: Isaac, Clark and jasmine go clear upstairs Ronald and Sam you're with me we are clearing this floor out

{They enter the kitchen}

Owen: Hello?

Ronald: *Hits a tripwire*


Owen: Oh shit! Run! *Turns around*


Owen: *Falls to the ground*

Ronald: Wait stop!

Zach: Why should I listen to you!

Owen: Because we have a proposition

Zach: okay speak

Owen: We have a community lots and lots of people and we have a huge Walker problem our leader doesn't want to arm anyone because he doesn't want them to live in fear

Zach: Sounds like a you problem *Shuts the alarm off*

Owen: Please we need someone with your experience

Zach: Pass *Starts to walk away*

Owen: You fought in the war between The savior and Alexandrian's! You also fought in the war with alpha! You have experienced it all! We need you to come with us!

Zach: *Stops* How do you know that

Owen: It's all in this report written by Eugene

Zach: Eugene... Porter huh what happened to him

Owen: Alexandria is a wasteland

Zach: *Sighs*

Owen: Come with us please

Zach: *Clinches his bat* Fine but once this is over I'm out

Owen: Deal

Isaac: Owen walkers are here we need to go

{Everyone runs out to the car and gets in}

Owen: Do you know where *Shuffles some papers* Caitlin is? In our reports it says factory we don't know what that means

Zach: I know... She's back at the savior a old base... The place where she lost her best friend....

Owen: Oh... Will you show us the way?

Zach: Yeah just keep going straight

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