Chapter Three

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It's been four days. Jacob is still searching for Maddy and there has been no trace. He's looked up and down the whole forest, it's as if Maddy was never there.

Jacob was tired by lunch time, he didn't know where else to look. He ran out of food so he had to hunt; with no luck. It was very strange, there's no sign of food or any source of water. Jacob used Eolas to look further into the forest without having to move. He saw something but it went dark. 

He opened his eyes and it was still daylight, but it was dark when he used Eolas. He doesn't know why that happened, but we do. From three years ago when Maddy was captured. Jacob didn't know what to do but go towards the last movement he saw. Before his sight went dark. 


It's been three hours. I don't know how much longer I can go. Jacob thought to himself. One more step, then he fainted. But not before seeing a figure. 



"Rhydian, your idea is perfect! Business has never been this busy since the grand opening." Tom said. After Rhydian and Max announced the new menu of the coffee shop, business has gone well. Jana would help out once in a while, as well as Emma, Max's girlfriend. 

"Thanks Tom. But this wouldn't be happening if Jana didn't suggest it," 

"Aw, it's no problem. I'm just glad to help," Rhydian gave her a kiss on the cheek and went back to work. 


Back at the village, Henry has searched non-stop for Jacob. He can't bare the thought of Jacob out there, in the forest, by himself. Yes, he knows Jacob can take care of himself but after running away three years ago he can't risk it again. Henry doesn't want to lose Jacob...the way he lost his wife.

"Have you found him?" Henry asked Edward, who shook his head. Even when they use Eolas, they can't find Jacob anywhere. Making Henry worry even more. 

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