Chapter Thirteen

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Jacob woke with a painful headache. He looked around him and his vision was still a bit blurry. Once he regained his sight, he looked around and it was dark. He felt around and touched something warm. He kept holding onto it and then he felt a hand. 

He slowly moved his hands around to figure who it was and then he felt hair and a mouth, nose, eyes then jumped to conclusion. "Maddy! Are you okay? Hey say something,"

"Jacob?" He heard her voice but from behind him...once he realized who he was touching he immediately let go and scooted backwards. That will be a secret and no one will ever find out... Jacob thought to himself. 

Soon enough Rhydian came too. "What happened?" The three looked around to see darkness and the only light was coming from above. "Looks like you were right Jacob. But what made you so sure about this?" Maddy questioned.

"Well I remembered when we were in the cave and that person told you who you are then I started to believe in a lot of things. So expect the unexpected right?" 

They wanted to go farther because their curiosity was so high. The tunnel was for sure was high and wide enough if the three can stand straight and be next to each other. But they didn't because they can't see any source of light so they had to go back up and get flashlights.

The question is, how do they get back up.


"The young child has found the tunnel. What shall we do?"

"Nothing. We shall see for what the child has within herself,"


It was already night and the trio was still stuck in the tunnel. They all huddled together because it got cold. Then at the end of the tunnel there was light and slowly the light grew brighter. Soon enough the tunnel was filled with light and the trio can see where they are now. 

On the wall were torches and its flames brought them warmth. "So the tunnel lights up at night..."

"I guess so. We should go to the end," Maddy began walking but Rhydian stopped her.

"No! What if someone is at the end or its an ambush of some sort. The flames couldn't have lit up by itself."

"You're right. But I don't plan on sitting down the whole time without knowing why there is a tunnel under my yard!" Maddy began to walk and Jacob followed. He looked back at Rhydian with a mocking look. 


It's been at least an hour or so and they were not close to the end. The tunnel felt endless and their feet were aching. They finally took a break and sat down leaning on the wall. "We've been walking and it looks like we haven't even moved." Rhydian said.

"You're right. Maybe we should just go back and wait til its light Maddy." Jacob said. 

"No. I am not going back. We know we're moving because the hole isn't above us so we have to keep walking. If there is someone there then we can take them. There is no one like us okay?" The two boys could argue but they didn't. They couldn't leave her alone by herself so they had to go with her. 

Another hour passed and they were finally at the end, but they weren't expecting it to be a dead end. Just different sizes of rocks were there. 

"This is it? That can't be! There has to be more to this tunnel than a dead end." Jacob said. He couldn't believe that it was a dead end. He knew there had to be something because the torches couldn't have lit up by itself. 

"There's nothing else Jacob. I guess you guys were right there was no point on coming here." Maddy sat sulking. She really hoped there was something or someone who could give her answers about herself. Ever since she found out her parents weren't her parents she doesn't know who she is anymore. Her life has been a whole lie. 

"We can't give up. Maybe like the faucet, one of these rocks could open a secret passage way. So instead of sulking we should try to look at these rocks." Rhydian wanted to encourage Maddy to keep looking. She was really hoping that something could happen so Rhydian will make it happen. 

"You're right! Come on Jacob," The three split up and began to examine each and every one of the rocks. 

"I got nothing." Rhydian and Jacob said at the same time. Maddy was still looking hoping to find something. "I got...nothing as well." Maddy sat down again and felt worse than before.

"I'm sorry Mads. I got your hopes up for nothing," Rhydian said.

"It's fine." She leaned her back against the rock to see the ceiling. Then there it was, a key! Maddy immediately stood up and began to climb the tallest rock which was conveniently right under the key. The boys were wondering what Maddy was up to then they followed her sight and saw the key as well. 

Maddy was at the top trying to gain her balance and the key was in arms reach but she couldn't get it. She looked down and realized she was really high up. If she jumped she'd slip and fall. But she has to get the key one way or another. She got on her tippy-toes and tried to reach again. The second time she was so close!

One more try... The third try she had it then her foot slipped. She felt herself falling to the ground slowly. Am I going to die?... She closed her eyes not wanting to see the results. She felt that she stopped falling and opened her eyes slowly. Maddy couldn't say anything...

"Good timing?" 

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