Chapter Nine

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"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have come at all. I knew Rhydian had moved on yet I still went back," Maddy thought to herself. She ran back to her treehouse and locked herself in, making sure no one else can come in.

A knock on the door came but Maddy didn't answer. She knew it was Jacob but she didn't want to see him. "Maddy, please open the door. It's me Rhydian and I want to talk to you."

Maddy was shocked she wasn't expecting Rhydian to be there. She decided to open the door for him, giving them a chance to talk things through.

"I'm sorry I stopped looking for you. I wish I kept going and if I did then you wouldn't be out here all alone," Maddy didn't say anything. She wasn't going to say anything until it was the right time. "I'm also sorry for getting into a fight with Jacob. You know him and I don't get along. Anyways, I came here to also talk about us."

"What's there to talk about?" Maddy thought to herself. "I heard you still liked me, is that true?"

"Yes its true! But why would you care? I wasn't worth your time!" Maddy thought to herself again. She's holding all this in because she's waiting for Rhydian to say a certain thing so she has a good excuse to go off on him.

"You're not talking. Okay well I guess I'll finish what I have to say. I know you and Jana talked because I saw Jana follow you. I bet she told you her and I have been dating for three years. I'm sorry you had to hear that from her when it should've been me to tell. I don't know why you came back but I hope it isn't cause of me."

"I figured you had moved on since you never came back to me. So its obvious that I moved on and I'm hoping you will too. Now, can you please say something?"

This is when Maddy finally responds, "What do you want me to say? Okay its true! I still like you and you're not the only reason why I came back here. Jacob persuaded me to start fresh again and come back to my home. Also, why would you care? I wasn't worth your time! Now I want you to get out of my home and never come back. I don't want to see you here ever again!"

Maddy began to 'shoo' him out the door and locked it once he got out. She felt better after saying all that. Another knock came and she knew it would be Jacob.

"Jacob, I'm not in the mood."

"Well do you feel better after yelling at him?" Maddy nodded her head. "How do you know I yelled at him?"

"I've been at the bottom of this tree listening. Plus you were yelling loud so I bet the people in my village could've heard you." Luckily they didn't or else Maddy and Jacob would be in huge trouble.

"Well I don't care. After yelling at him, it felt like a closure for me but yet it wasn't one. I don't know but thanks for helping me move on."

"You're welcome. But how did you know Rhydian said you were a waste of his time?"

"I've learned a few tricks from being out here. I can teach you sometime,"

"Please do! But for now, you're going home. To your real home. I'll be there too to keep you company alright?" Maddy nodded her head and began to pack some things to take back.

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