Chapter Ten

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When Maddy walked into her house she immediately coughed. There was a bad smell and everything was covered in dust. "I would say 'home sweet home' but your house isn't looking that sweet right now," Jacob said. She began walking around and memories started flowing through her head of her parents, Rhydian, and her spending time here. Having fun times with mom, dad...Rhydian.

Maddy can feel tears coming but she stopped herself. She didn't want to cry over someone that doesn't love her. "Hey Maddy, do you want to sleep at my house for tonight? We're both too tired to clean tonight."

"You have a house here?"

"Yeah. There are times when I leave the village and live here. I've kept up with the rent and stuff because I have a friend who is renting it until I get back."

"But where will your friend stay then?"

"She actually lives with her parents. There will be times when she does sleepover at my place so I make her pay the rent." Maddy nodded her head in response. She agreed to sleepover at his place until tomorrow.


"Hey Megan. Sorry to make you leave this late at night."

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later." Megan left without acknowledging Maddy. They both walked in and Maddy was astonished. The apartment was super nice, as if it all came from a magazine.

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it! This place is so nice. How could you afford this place anyways?"

"Well I did have to get a job. Few jobs. I saved up for awhile so once I got enough money I bought this place. I live here when I'm away from my other place."

Maddy placed her stuff on the couch and looked out the window. You could see the silhouette of the mountains and the lights of the town below. "You can take the guest room. The bathroom is in your room, as well as the closet."

"Thank you Jacob. For everything. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," Jacob walked over and gave her a hug.

"I would do anything for you. I care about you way too much," Maddy smiled and went to her temporary room. Jacob looked at the closed door, wanting to so much as walk in there and kiss her. But he didn't want to do anything just yet.


Jacob woke up the next morning smelling something delicious. He walked out and saw Maddy cooking eggs and bacon. "I didn't know you knew how to cook,"

"It's not that hard to do. Can you set the plates? I'm almost done here,"

"Oh my gosh," Jacob tasted the food and it felt like Christmas was in his mouth. "this is amazing! What kind of spices did you put in it?"

"Stuff. You don't need to know my secret," Maddy teased. Jacob cleaned up the table and they both decided to clean up Maddy's house as well.

Once insider her house, they planned who would take which area. Maddy had the upstairs and kitchen. Jacob had the living room and bathroom. After that, they both would take the den.

Maddy was in her room, dusting everything and vacuuming. She couldn't help but look at all her old things and reminding herself of what it was like before she left for the woods that day. It was a happy time for her then, being with Rhydian and her parents. Heck, she even missed being bullied.

When she finished she went down to the kitchen. It was easy to clean that because there wasn't much to clean. After two hours Maddy and Jacob went down to the den. Once the door was opened they were hit by a horrible smell.

"Ugh...what is that horrible smell?" Maddy looked around and realized it was the rotten food in the bowl.

"It's the food. It's been here for three years." She grabbed a plastic bag and quickly placed the food inside and ran for the door. Imagine someone pooped and then it was topped with garbage, that's how bad it smelt.

After two hours of cleaning the den they finally finished.

"What do you want to do now?" Jacob asked.

"I'm gonna go into town and look around. I need to familiarize myself."

"I'll go with you,"

"Thanks but no thanks. This is something I need to do alone," Maddy walked out leaving Jacob looking at the closed door.


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