Chapter Eight

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Maddy accepted Jacob's friendship and all is well. Jacob persuaded Maddy to come back to her home and get cleaned up. She was hesitating at first but she knew she could trust Jacob. It may mean having to face the past but Maddy can do it because she knows she has Jacob by her side.

Jacob and Maddy began to walk back to her house chatting about what Maddy has been doing the past three years. Then Jacob got the courage to ask her about all the bruises and scratches on her body.

"I got all these from fighting animals that I try to take down and from me. I know you're going to think I'm emo but it was the only way I could relieve the pain I felt. I was alone for a long time and having that guilt feeling in my chest you won't forgive me."

"I'm not going to think your emo. I understand you had release that pain but please don't do it anymore. It hurts to hear you go through all that by yourself." Jacob gave her a side hug and left his arm there.

It's been a long time since Maddy felt safe and comfortable in someone else's arm. "Oh yeah, I told Rhydian I saw you,"

Maddy froze at that name because she saw Rhydian right in front of her...but with another girl.




Maddy said nothing so Jacob called him out. Maddy and Jacob stood at their spot frozen as well did Jana. Even though she knew and heard about Maddy from Jacob and Rhydian, she wasn't 100% clear with the situation the three had.

"I see you found Maddy," Rhydian said looking towards Jacob. "Yeah I did. I found her and realized she's been near my home for a long time."

Rhydian and Jacob began to talk while Maddy quietly crept away but being followed by Jana.

"So you're Maddy. I've heard a lot about you from the boys and Rhydian's parents." Jana said. Maddy didn't reply because she doesn't know what to do. It's been forever since she's talked to somebody she never met.

"Yeah. Who are you may I ask?"

"I'm Jana. Rhydian's girlfriend of three years." That broke Maddy's heart. She had hope that maybe her and Rhydian will get together, but now that hope is gone.

"Oh. I don't want any trouble okay?"

"I know. You're too nice to do anything from what I know. Let's go back, the boys are probably looking for us."

Jana thought she would have yelled at Maddy for having the nerve to show up but after seeing her, she felt pitiful towards her. So Jana treated her nice. When the two girls arrived they saw the guys in wolf form.


Jana and Maddy stood in front of their 'rightful' guys to stop them. Jacob looked into Maddy's eyes and calmed down. He turned back into human form as well as Rhydian. "What were you two talking about that got you so angry?" Jana asked.
Neither of the guys spoke. Maddy who has been alone for three years in the woods picked up a few tricks, like looking into the past. Only what happened recently though. Maddy did that and saw Rhydian and Jacob talking...
"You found Maddy and brought her back. Why?" Rhydian asked. "I wanted her and you to have closure so she can move on. If you didn't know, Maddy still likes you. She hasn't told me personally but I can feel that she does."
Rhydian was in shock. He figured Maddy forgot all about him and moved on which is what he did. He feels guilty for doing so but he doesn't regret it because he loves Jana.
"You have nothing to say?"
"All I have to say Jacob is I've moved on. Let Maddy  move on on her own because last I checked, our closure was when I gave her a kiss three years ago and she left me. SHE LEFT ME! I wasn't going to wait for her any longer because I realized she wasn't worth my time!" At that moment, Rhydian regretted what he said.
Jacob got very angry at this, he went into wolf form and attacked Rhydian first. Then Rhydian transformed.
The flashback ended and Maddy opened her eyes. Her eyes saw Jana, Jacob, and Rhydian looking at her. "Are you crying?" Jacob asked. Maddy felt her eyes and they were wet. She wiped her tears away and ran off.

Jacob followed Maddy calling out her name and Rhydian was about to follow as well but Jana held him back. Rhydian looked from the figure running to the figure holding onto his arm. He made a decision, he set himself free from Jana's grip and followed Maddy. He didn't even look back to see Jana's reaction.

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