Chapter Twenty

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After leaving Jacob's apartment Maddy and Rhydian made their way to Jacob.

"Are you sure you should go?" Rhydian asked before finally entering the woods.

"I'm sure because Henry wants me. I don't know what for but we have to get Jacob back. I don't know what I'd do knowing he is there when I should be."

"Mads, don't worry okay. We will get him back,"

The two transformed into wolves with Maddy leading the way. It did not take them long but they finally made it to see Jacob behind bars. They changed back to human form and Maddy called out Henry.

"It's been awhile. I hope you have enjoyed your short vacation from home," Henry said coming out from a small hut.

"This isn't home to me or Jacob."

"Maddy! You shouldn't have come," Jacob yelled.

"I couldn't abandon my friend,"

"Maddy. You have something that I want."

"What would that be?"

"The entrance to the Passage Below."

"The what?"

"I've seen you go in it." He is talking about the passage under my house.

"I don't know what you are talking about but I only came for one reason, to bring Jacob home."

"Well if you want your boyfriend back then you're gonna have to take me to the Passage Below."

As much as Maddy doesn't want to tell him about the place, she can't leave Jacob here. "Fine. I'll take you. But release Jacob because he comes with us."

"Alright." Two guys let Jacob out but they tied his hands together. They stood on either side of him and walked with him. "If you don't lead us to the place, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill one of you...starting with Jacob."

Maddy decided to do as he was told, she didn't want to risk Rhydian's or Jacob's lives over a tunnel. But because Henry wants to go there so bad it means there is something more to it than Philip and Sirena being there.

Maddy lead the way back to her house with Rhydian walking right next to her and Henry right behind. Rhydian looked at Maddy thinking what the plan is. Maddy gave a look that any one would understand, there is no plan. Maddy looked behind to try and see Jacob but Henry blocked her view.

After an hour or so, they made it to the front of Maddy's house. "The tunnel isn't that big so not all of your followers can come." Henry turned out and pointed to three tall and buff guys to come with us. Two of them keeping guard of Jacob and the third one with Rhydian. Henry was with Maddy.

Maddy turned the water on and the first ones to fall was Maddy and Henry. Rhydian and the bodyguard came down followed by Jacob and the other two. It was dark at first because it wasn't night but because Maddy knew where she was going, she went to the dead end. The second time coming here she was hoping she'd get more answers from Philip but it won't happen anytime soon.

After two hours of walking they made it to the dead end. The space was big so all of them could stand around wherever and because the rocks were sticking out from the ground. Maddy saw the tallest rock that she climbed to get the key. Now that she recalls the first time coming here, she never got to see what the key unlocked because Sirena came and took the three to Philip.

Maddy tried to remember where she put the key but nothing is coming back to her. She figured it is in her room.

"This can't be it."

"This is it. After the three of us got here we tried to look for anything out of place but there was nothing. So we headed back."

"You're lying. I watched you guys go in and out. Now that I think about it, there were lights on down here because I noticed it was bright from the hole looking at the top. Also I heard voices."

"The voices would be us three and yeah we noticed the light came on when it got dark. That's it."

"I don't believe you." Henry wasn't kidding, he grabbed Jacob and had his hand to his throat.

"Stop! Why would you kill him when I don't know anything like you! I took you here like you asked so don't kill him."

"After I kill him I can kill both of you. You three can die as friends."

Henry was about to squeeze Jacob's throat harder until the light came on. Maddy and Rhydian thought it couldn't be dark already. Either it is or Philip is helping in some way.

"Seems like its dark now. Boys, look around. I want you to watch these three." Henry ordered his men. Jacob was on the ground trying to breathe. Anyone could see the purple hand prints on his neck and knew he could have died if Henry held on any longer. Maddy and Rhydian knelt to either side of Jacob and made sure he was okay.

"Why did you take him here?"

"I had to or else he'd kill you and I wasn't gonna risk that." Rhydian looked between Maddy and Jacob and felt something. It wasn't jealousy this time, it was the feeling of loss. He knew he was going to lose Maddy and he can't do anything. All he wants is for her to be happy and if that happiness isn't with him then it's with Jacob.

"Rhydian! Look!" Rhydian got out of his feelings and looked to where Maddy was pointing. There was a tall gigantic shadow on the wall opposite to them. It's teeth were pointed, it had a sharp nose, and it looked really hairy.

"What is that!" Henry yelled, asking Maddy indirectly.

"We don't know. It wasn't here when we came last time."

All of them were scared, especially Henry but he tried not to show it.

"Who dares enter my home!"

"We don't mean to harm you!" Maddy responded. All of the guys looked at her with a shocked look. She looked at them back. "What?"

"You understand what the monster is saying?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah. Don't you?"

"No. I only hear 'rus iekseo soei' gibberish words," Rhydian said. Maddy realized she is the only one who can understand the monster. But why?

Henry grabbed Maddy and took her towards the monster. "Talk to him. If you don't it won't just be Jacob's neck that's purple." She looked back at Jacob and didn't want him to die. She moved a bit closer and began talking to the monster.

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