Chapter Four

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After about a week, work in the coffee shop has settled a bit. Tom had to hire three more workers to help Max and Rhydian out. "After work, we need to have a meeting." Tom announced.


"Okay, I know you all are wondering what this is about. Well I have good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?"

Everybody looked at each other. Not sure which one they want to hear first.

"Bad news." Rhydian said. He figured it'd be better to listen to the bad news first so in the end they can hear the good news.

"Okay. Bad news is we may have to close up shop for awhile."

A chorus of "What!" came out of everybody's mouth. "Why Tom? I thought business was going very well," Max said.

"I'm sorry guys. Now the good news is, our coffee shop is expanding!"

"Are you serious?" Rhydian said. Tom nodded his head and everybody cheered. So the coffee shop wasn't closing down for a bad thing, it's because they're expanding! Not just the size of the shop, they're also becoming a nation wide cafe.

Once Tom explained all of it, everybody thanked Rhydian for the idea. He didn't want all the credit because he couldn't have done it without Jana.

That night, Rhydian told Jana the good news and they celebrated with a movie and popcorn.

"Hey babe, Thanksgiving is coming up and I was wondering if you'd like to spend it with my family this year?" Jana asked. Rhydian became a bit tense on the inside but he had to be calm on the outside. He never spent Thanksgiving with Jana's family before because they used to be on the...wild side. But ever since Jana and Rhydian have been dating, her family changed for the better to show their support.

"Do I have to?...Doesn't mean I don't want to! It's just this will be the first time I've spent Thanksgiving with your family."

"It'll be nice for a change. Plus, my family misses me and they want to spend more quality time with you since we've been together for about three years,"

"Okay. Sure. I'd love to spend it with your family," Rhydian gave Jana a kiss on the forehead and they continued with the movie.


"Jacob?" Jacob slowly sat up from his uncomfortable bed to see who called his name. 


"So you do remember me. I thought you and Maddy forgot about me," 

"Wait, how did you even find me?" 

Amelia began to recall what happened. She was in the backyard of her home with Jason, who is her husband. They were relaxing when Amelia heard something in the woods. She used Eolas to sense who it was and she saw Jacob falling to the ground. She told Jason to get the bed ready and she ran off to get Jacob. 

" you're here." While Amelia told what happened, she gave Jacob food so he can gain his energy back. Jason walked in to greet Jacob. 

"Jacob, how you been? Last I saw you was three years ago," 

"Fine I guess."

"Oh yeah! Where's Maddy?" Amelia asked. Jacob's head went down which triggered the thought that Maddy died. "I wish I knew her better...she was young,"

"Oh she isn't dead. I just don't know where she is..." Jacob said. He didn't feel like explaining to them but he knew he had to. Even if it hurts him to talk about it. 

"What happened when you and Maddy left us?" Jason asked. 

"Once we both left, we walked back to the waterfall..." 


"Have you told Rhydian that you saw Maddy?"Jason asked.

"No. I don't even know if he still lives here or is alive,"

"Rhydian Morris?" Amelia asked. 

"Yeah. How do you know him since I never mentioned his last name?" 

"I met him once or twice when I went to the coffee shop. He still lives in town and he works at a coffee shop which I can take you to."

"Okay, we can go tomorrow morning. Right now, I'm really hungry and tired. So I'm going to take a nap." Amelia and Jason left to give Jacob some rest.


"Rhydian! I need a kid's mac n' cheese." 

"Coming right up!" 

Business in the coffee shop was doing so well. From all the change, you wouldn't think the coffee shop was a coffee shop. Tomorrow will be the last day it's opened because of expansion. All of the workers and Tom are happy about it, it'll mean so much exposure for them and the restaurant itself. 

After work, Rhydian and Jana went out on a date. Dinner then a walk through the woods. The woods, they have no worries about it since they have each others back and can handle themselves. 

"The weather is nice isn't it?" The sky was clear and you can see all of the bright stars and the half moon. They walked up a hill to a clearing and sat near the edge of the cliff. It was a beautiful sight. "Yeah, remember this spot was our first date?" 

"I do. You and I both have come a long way. Three long years and I still love you." Jana leaned in for a kiss which Rhydian responded. 

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