Chapter Six

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"So what is it do you want to talk about?" Rhydian and Jacob went to the basement just in case Jana overheard anything.

"Maddy. You. I thought you were still looking for her,"

"I was. After about a month I gave up and moved on in my life. I couldn't be held back anymore,"

"Are you saying Maddy was a burden to you or something? That she was just a person to you?"

"No, I'm saying that if she doesn't want to be found then let her be. I tried but there was no sign of her so I didn't bother with it anymore.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just...I saw her,"


"I was out in the woods hunting and when I got my dinner I looked up and saw her in wolf form. My suspicions were correct because she changed to human form and she looked the same. Except for her long hair and she got some muscles on her as well."

Rhydian was processing all of that in. Maddy is back. He saw her. She's different...but how much different?

"Rhydian, you okay? You're zoning out again."

"I was thinking. But why tell me?"

"I thought you'd like to know but I guess I was wrong since you have a girlfriend," Rhydian didn't know why but he felt a bit guilty about it. He ignored it.

"My personal life has nothing to do with this. Anyways, if that's all you have to say then you can go now. Nice talking to you," Jacob left and Rhydian stayed behind.

Jacob got to the top of the stairs and met Jana there. "Goodbye and it was nice meeting you,"

Once Jacob closed the door behind him, Rhydian came out from the basement with a curious look.

"Are you okay Rhy? You're curious about something,"

"No I'm not."

"I've known you for three years so I know your facial expressions. Now tell me what's up?"

"It's nothing babe. Just bro things, that's all." Jana looked at Rhydian and ignored it. She knew what the guys talked about because she couldn't help it but be nosy. Jana became really curious when she heard a woman's name mentioned. She wanted to find out now but she didn't want to blow off her cover so she decided to stay low for a while.


I can't believe him. He doesn't care about Maddy anymore even though those two had a thing for each other three years ago. There is no closure to their relationship so Maddy and Rhydian need to either say bye or hello. Jacob thought to himself while walking back to the woods again. He's going to search for Maddy again.


Nightfall had finally come and Jacob is still searching, but in wolf form. He left his stuff in a tree making sure no animal can get into it. Jacob came to a spot that was really familiar to was the exact spot him, Maddy, and Rhydian met. Three years ago when Maddy and him left for the woods and left Rhydian behind.

Jacob remembers it well because it was also when he saw Maddy and Rhydian kiss for the first time. Just thinking about it makes him jealous which he hates. He began to walk the same direction he and Maddy took to get to his village to see if she's been there.

Halfway through, Jacob picked up a scent. He sniffed it carefully and realized it belongs to Maddy. He began to follow it but quietly knowing there may be guards from his home lurking around.

The scent stopped at a big tree. Jacob knows it's big because it's literally the biggest tree around the area. He sniffed around but there was no other way except going up. He changed back to human form and climbed the tree.

Once he reached the top he hit his head on something. He touched it then felt a handle of some sort and pulled it. It didn't open. Then he tried pushing it and it opened. He quietly opened it to see the inside but before he could see anything he blacked out.

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