Chapter 3 - I'm jealous.

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Since today is the first day that My Ex, Jason Cross Rowles will be working for me. I'm going to make this day very memorable for him and especially me.

I wasn't able to sleep last night because of thinking about what will happen today. It's already been four years since Jason broke up with me, but I just can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach... again.

I was heading downstairs to go eat my breakfast with my family, however, I stopped walking towards the dining room since somebody called me on my phone.

When I looked at my phone on who was calling me, it was Anthony. I wonder what he wants when it's only 6:30 in the morning.

"Hello, Anthony!" I answered cheerfully. Then kept walking to go to the kitchen to wash my hands. The phone went silent after a while but then I heard a girl laughing.

"Who was that?" "Who was that?" I asked furiously, at Anthony on the phone. I then heard him start laughing.

"Calm down... Its only Jasmine!" He answered while laughing. I could imagine Anthony on the phone while on the ground holding his stomach laughing... Did he say Jasmine? I wonder who's that.

"Anthony, I don't know who Jasmine is!!! TELL ME WHO SHE IS NOW!!" I asked while shouting at him on the phone.

"Well.... Someone's jealous. Aha-ha!" Anthony replied full of sarcasm.

"Anthony......... IF YOU DON'T TELL ME RIGHT AWAY. I'LL KILL YOU!!" I yelled. However I won't kill Anthony. Since I love him (like my big brother)

"It's alright Cassandra, it's only my cousin." He replied then started laughing on the other line. I could feel that my cheeks were now turning red full of embarrassment.

I started eating my breakfast while talking to Anthony on the phone. My mum and dad weren't here at home since they're on a business trip in Japan.

While talking to Anthony on the phone all he wanted to tell me was, to take care and tell him all about the exciting things today since it's Jason's first day to work for me. Once Anthony finished talking to me on the phone, I called my driver on the phone and he dropped me off my company.

As I walked into the company even thought it was just 7:30 in the morning not many of my employees were already here. I walked into the elevator and as i was about to press the button to shut the door. Somebody shouted, "Wait!!"

I watched the person who called out to me. It was him... It was Jason my new employee which will work for me. He was wearing a black and white polo t-shirt and what caught my attention was that he was wearing his blue light blue formal shoes, that was the only thing that he was wearing that caught my attention. I have to admit that he still looks the same I wonder if he still acts like a freak from four years ago when I met him?

I got into my office and everything was in place and organised. Jason sat in his new office next door to me since the walls were see through. When he saw that i was watching him sit down, he gave me a thumbs up and smiled. I just looked at him and gave him a serious look.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning and I was beginning to get hungry. I called my secretary on the phone to bring me some food, unfortunately she left already to eat lunch. I looked to my right side to see whether Jason was still in his office and thank goodness that he was.

I called him to come to my office and as he walked into my office he cheerfully smiled at me. I gave him my very sweet smile, but deep inside I really wanted to hit him since he hurt me four years ago.

"Jason, will you please go and get me some food? I don't care what you give to me just make sure its FOOD!" I asked. He just smirked at me and started walking out of my office disappointedly.

Thirty minutes of waiting for Jason, he finally arrived. I saw that he was holding a piece of cake, and since I was really hungry I didn't care what it tasted like. The cake that he brought me just looked so delicious.

I began eating the piece of cake that he brought to me very fast and when I was about to finish the last piece of cake, I felt that my face was beginning to become swollen. I quickly ran to my private toilet in my office and looked at myself in the mirror.

My face was all swelled up, I felt that I couldn't breathe that well... without hesitation I got my anaphylaxis pen and stabbed it into my thigh. It hurt so much and it wouldn't have happened if Jason did not give me that cake.

Once all the swelling was a little bit gone, I walked to my office and lay down on my soft white comfortable couch because I felt really tired after eating that cake. I decided to call Anthony to come and pick me up since I just need him to be with me right now.

I closed my eyes just to take a little nap, after a while I felt somebody touching my face. My eyes were still closed and I could feel a soft hand moving the strands of hair that were on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and Jason was looking at me, it was starting to creep me out since he was smiling like the Cheshire cat in the movie Alice in wonderland.

I was about to say something but before I could even open my mouth to speak, somebody opened the door. I looked at the person who was at the door and it was Anthony. He was holding onto an acoustic guitar and one of my employees were holding onto a bouquet of red roses.

Anthony began strumming on to the guitar that he was holding and then he began to sing, 'When you say nothing at all.' By Ronan Keating. His voice literally made me speechless and this just made me blush, Anthony walked towards me and kissed me on my cheeks. Then my employee who was carrying the bouquet of red roses handed them to me.

After Anthony finished singing to me, out of nowhere Jason punched him. On the face, Anthony didn't punch Jason back all he did was smirk at Jason. Growing up with Anthony he was never a physical guy, even though he was tall and had great muscles he would never retaliate when people hit him, all that he would do was smirk at peoples face to make them angrier. After Jason punched Anthony on the face he walked out of my office and slammed the door.

That's when I realized that all my employees were staring at me, "Get back to work!!" I said furiously. I looked at Anthony and even though Jason punched his face, he still looked gorgeous.

I guess that having Anthony come to my office wasn't such a bad idea, after all. This made me finally realize that after four years Jason still does have feelings for me. What Jason's actions showed especially after that sweet gesture that Anthony did for me, showed that he was jealous.

To be continued...


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