It's All a Bust

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Literally the whole month of June has been a bust. I couldn't even sleep because I was so scared of what Bess had told me. But at least softball has put me away from everything. Bess and I have been playing softball together since we like 6-years-old. Well, t-ball at the time. I actually quit softball for a year because I wanted to try dance and I absolutely hated it. Aaron thinks that I should just stick to softball, since he does baseball. Bess says it's the ultimate match because he always comes to the games.

The Clear Lake Vipers has always been undefeated. Our town is known for our baseball and softball teams because they're so successful. Clear Lake is a small, peaceful town with two schools, and plenty of stores. I moved to Clear Lake when I was only 2-years-old. I made friends really quickly when I went to pre-school and then the 1st day of Kindergarten. Of course I was shy, as always. But Bess came up to me on the first day and asked if I wanted to be her friend. 10 years later from that day and we're still best friends.

I basically had tournaments every weekend of June. And a few days after school ended, I had to watch Calista at her dance recital. God, she looked like a sore thumb out of everyone else that I wanted to barf.

Also, Aaron tried to use up my V-Card, but I stopped him. Gosh, I have to listen to Bess more often about this. He wouldn't have tried to do it if I didn't dream about it! GAHH! But he took me out for ice cream when he tried.

One night I had a dream about me hanging out with my friend Fia Burns, who lives a block down from me. Her brother, Alex was hanging with us also. But then next day it came true, Fia asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and then we did, with Alex involved and everything!

But then my dreams went downhill from there. Just everything was a bust. It's all a bust!


I called Bess the morning after I had the dream.

"Bess, this is urgent!" I panicked.

"What happened?!"

"I had a dream about Robbie..." There was a long pause.

"Did it happen?"

"No, not yet." Just then I heard something hit my window and I looked outside, phone in hand. "Never mind. It's happening."

"I should go," Bess said. "I'll call you later good luck." Just then Bess hung up. Good thing Mom, Dad, or Cali wasn't home. Robbie Bolton... Literally the nicest guy you would ever meet. It was a Monday in sunny July at the Clear Lake Volunteer Fire Company is when it happened. He noticed me when we were in the weight room, which is a weird place, but I was definitely fine with it. I've seen him for the past 4 years. Every summer at the same time every year. He never even talked to me then, but I've changed since last year.

When he saw me in that weight room his eyes were literally popping out of his head. Like full on staring at me. I was also the shortest person in the room, but tall guys are my favorite. By the time it was lunch, and the Staff was making lunch, that's when I really noticed how he liked me. It was just me, Robbie, and his cousin. Robbie's hands were wet, so he came up to me and started tickling my neck while water was dripping all down my shirt. I then sort have pushed him and then he grabbed my waist and we started laughing. His cousin had no idea what we were doing.

I made my way out of my room and then to the front door. I walked outside in a tank top, and Nike Pros. My eyes grew wide because he changed from when I last saw him before Aaron asked me out. He smiled at me. I broke up with him the week before the party. I just couldn't handle long-distance relationships, even though he lived two towns away from me.

"Why are you here? And how do you know where I live?" I questioned.

"Look, I think there's a way we can work this out. And from Owen." I rolled my eyes. Really Owen? Did you have to tell Robbie? Owen and I kind of clicked as best friends on the second day at the Fire House. I even invited him to my 13th birthday party and everyone thought I was dating him. However, I found out that he was dating Robbie's cousin.

"Of course," I answered. "Robbie... There isn't a way that we can work anything out. I'm over you. Sorry."

"Yes there is. I'm moving to Clear Lake." There was a long pause before I answer him.

"You're kidding right?!" I shout.

"No, I wanted to move here because since we're going into 9th grade, I wanted to start as a firefighter," Robbie said. Great just great. Why does this have to happen to me?! Everything has to happen to me and I'm about done with everything!

"You can't! Just... just because... I'm dating someone else!" I just sat down on the step and the tears just flowed out. Robbie was shocked.

"I- I didn't know... I'm sorry, Jordan." He comes to sit down next to me. "Look, I just want to be friends if that's fine with you. You're an amazing girl and I just don't want to lose you, okay?" I sigh.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I waited for a second and then sighed. "Are you at least doing football this year?"

"Don't I always do football?" We laughed.

"Okay. I'll see you soon. More like in July," I said trailing off at the end.

Robbie nodded, gave me a hug, and rode away on his bike. Well, I wasn't expecting a hug, but it's Robbie for goodness sakes.


I saw Bess' face come up on my phone. She looked really tired.

"So what happened?" She asked while yawning.

"He's moving to Clear Lake..."

"No, you're kidding, right?!" Bess was so shocked it was crazy.

"I'm totally serious, Bess."

"So does he know about Aaron?"

"Yeah I told him... He was bummed because he wanted to get back together with me," I closed my eyes and sighed. "I should tell Aaron. He knew I was dating Robbie because we both were talking about it that one day in Homeroom."

"Oh yeah. I definitely remember that. He was so sad. But at least you and Aaron finally got together." I smiled.

"Yeah, I should go now and tell him," Bess nodded and I hung up the FaceTime call. I didn't feel like FaceTiming Aaron, so I just called him.

"Hey Aaron..." I paused for a second. "I have to tell you something?"

"Jordan, you know you can always tell me everything."

"Well, do you remember Robbie?"

"Yeah, I do." Aaron's voice became more stern and serious. "What's up with him?"

"Well he came to my house today and said that he was moving to Clear Lake and he's going to be in the same school as me."

"That dick," I heard Aaron throw his pillow at the wall. "He better not even lay a hand on you." Don't tell him that he hugged you. God, don't.

"No, he didn't. He just wanted to get back together with me." I sounded shaky on the last part.

"Shit! I knew it. You told him I was dating you, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I did. He wasn't too happy about it and then I told him to just leave and never talk to me again." Aaron hung up flustered and outraged. I had to tell Aaron, though. Then, I just layed down on my bed and just went to sleep forgetting everything that has happened today. But I definitely know this year is going to be a bust and there's no way of stopping it. Or maybe there is.

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