The Truth

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Nigel was standing impatiently while I was fixing up my bunkbed. I didn't want to sleep up top just because there were a whole bunch of papers and pillows up there. He called me a "disorganized slob," but yet his room is worse.

"Keep it up and I'll let you sleep outside," I said sternly. "Now shut up and be patient."

"Hrmp. Fine, but don't take too long." He said and sat down on my carpet. Great, now I have to disinfect everything after tonight...

I knew that I wouldn't be getting anywhere near Nigel as we slept, so I told him where we were going to sleep.

"You're going to sleep near the wall and I'm going to be sleeping along the edge. Hopefully you're mature enough to not bicker about it," I said snickering at Nig.

He put his hands up and nodded. "Not saying anything."

Nigel then put his bag down on the ground and pulled out his laptop. We both sat down on my bed and started to discuss.

"Alright, so what's up?" He asked.

"You know what's going on with the news?" I replied. I just knew the answer to this question because Nig never has time for the news. I don't either, but my grandpa always calls me and tells me "the most important" things.

"No," he said, "I never watch the news. I always watch TV, which you need to start watching sometime." He pointed to the small grey TV that was placed on my wooden dresser. Nigel was right for once. I never watch TV. Well, maybe. Only when I have to catch up on Scream Queens and Finding Carter.

"Alright, I do too watch TV... Weekly," I said pausing and then continuing. "Getting to the main points with this. So they're were multiple cases on young teens dying. Specifically women, but it's going to spread to men, too... And I'm one of those people..."

There was a blank face on Nigel's face. The face that he makes when there is no utter thought or word in his brain. He opened his mouth and closed it again. "S-So you're one of them?! Oh God... Ohh God."

I didn't know what to say... He now thinks that I'm a bomb that's ready to explode. I never intended for my life to be like this, Nigel. I wanted to say. Just one day my dream came true and there was no way of stopping it.

But instead I just said, "I just need help. Just something to help me." I tilted my head down and he picked it up with his own hand.

"You know you can trust me. Right, Jordan?" He said making direct eye contact. I nodded and moved closer to Nigel.

"It's with whatever I dream... It comes true," I said faintly because I just wanted to go to bed. Nigel knew I was tired, but refused to sleep yet. He just wanted to get what was on my mind out and into his head.

"...So something like deja vu?" Nigel questioned.

"Yes, but I just don't think it's that." I replied while grabbing one of my blankets. I wrapped it around my secluded body and leaned back against my pillows. "What do you think will happen."

"Well, this is something serious. Someone must've injected you with something because this just doesn't happen on it's-" Nigel was starting to say something before I cut him off.

"OMG! I saw a light blue syringe on one girl's floor in an article!" I shifted my body upright again while now grabbing my laptop. I pulled up the article again and showed Nig the picture. I pointed to the writing on the syringe that read "B&M Industries" and his eyes lit up.

"This can't be," Nigel whispered under his breath, "this can't-"

"What?! What can't?! Are you telling me that you actually know about this company?!" I blurted. I was so furious of rage to know exactly who was apart of everything. When I did, I wanted to wrap my hands around their neck.

"Yes, yes I do. My dad... He used to work for 'B&M,' but quit because of what they were doing. The company hired some kids to do it and they took the company over. Everyone there left except for a few men who stayed." There was a long pause after that and then I said something.

"Do you know who any of the kids were?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers.

"No, but I know one of them was really tall and the other was really thick and strong. I thought my dad mentioned someone with blonde hair and dark dark brown." ROBBIE... AARON! Ohhh no... NO! NO! NO! Not happening, at all! Robbie just wanted to get back with me for just some assassination. That little motherf*ucker. He's dead! And for Aaron, he better not get Bess into this... He probably already injected her, and same for me... Oh, no...

"Nigel, it's Robbie and Aaron... I need to warn-"

"No, do not tell anyone. This has to be private matter for now. Discuss it out, please." He said and motioned to my phone.

I then pick up my phone and hesitantly called Robbie. He picked up, or which I presumed was him.

"Hello?" The jigsaw voice came up again and then quickly faded to Robbie's voice. Busted... I thought.

"Oh, hi Robbie. Or should I say Jigsaw?" I said furious with anger. Nig put a hand on my knee which I shooed off immediately. Right now, I needed no one.

"Jordan, it's not-" Robbie started to say.

"Not what Robert?! Not that you and Aaron are trying to assassinate me?! And don't act dumb because I know it's you," I screamed. I wanted to say more, but it was Robbie's turn. I never used his full name. Ever. That means that this was some serious shit...

"JORDAN! Just listen to me for once!" Robbie said. "It's not my fault! It's all Aaron's!"

I couldn't just agree with Robbie and say that Aaron did all of this. Even though it would be something that Aaron would do. "Just throwing Aaron under the bus doesn't help, hun." I snickered and Nig smiled a little. I shot him a look and continued to rant. "When you want to actually tell me the truth. Talk to me." I then hung up the phone with frustration. I threw my phone on my bed and got up.

"Are you okay?" Nigel asked a little concerned. I shot him a look and then sighed.

"Do I look okay, Nig? My "boyfriend" just lied to my face saying that he doesn't have anything to do apart of this. I can't even trust anyone anymore."

Nig placed a hand on my knee again, but this time I didn't shoo him off. "Maybe Robbie does have a point. Who even knows what horrid things Aaron has done to him."

I was in utter shock. Was Nigel taking Robbie's side?! "So you're just joining sides with Robbie now. I see, you're just going to use me and then help them. So nice, Nig. So nice." I turned away.

Nigel turned me around and spoke softly, "I would never do anything horrible to you, Jordan. Middle finger swear?" I looked at Nig with tears rimming my eyes. I blinked hard before trusting him. If this kid breaks me, then I'm going to break him right back.

He smiled and gave a pat on my back. "Now let's get some rest."

I got up and quickly popped my contacts out and placed them back into their solution. I shut off the light while Nig got to his side of the bed. I really wanted to have the comfort of his warm body...

"Nigel," I whispered in the dark room, "can you hold me?" There was silence.

"Of course, anything for my best friend." I saw a slight smile appear on his face. It was very faint because of the darkness. "I will always be here for you. Even in the toughest times..." He kissed the top of my head while I fell into the darkness of my dreams.


Ooo. Are you guys surprised that it was actually Aaron and "Robbie" behind all of this?

Wanted to add a plot twist. EEK! xD


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