Today's the Day

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Robbie's POV

I'm not ready to see Jordan Anderson, ex-girlfriend and probably my only love. Mom wakes me up and tells me to eat a well breakfast because I'm going to be using up a lot of energy today. "Mom, I always use energy." I said, making a crooked smile.

"Well, that's why you are a healthy boy." I don't fight with her about that. I just but on my Nike Elites and Nike Air's before I put on my shorts. Since I already have the shirt this year, I put that on without any struggle. I make my way towards the kitchen and get a bowl out of the drawer. I grab my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, and pour some into the bowl. Then, I get the milk out of the refrigerator and pour a little bit into the bowl.

I chow that down and then wash my bowl. I grab my iPod and check Facebook real quick. I noticed Jordan posted a picture of herself from this morning riding her bike to the Fire Department. "She isn't there yet?" I question under my breath. I then speed up my pace, grab my Bulls hat that Jordan wore last year and scurried out the door. I got into Mom's car and then we headed for the Fire Company.


I signed in and met up with Owen, Lizzy, and Zander. We head to the meeting room and sat down. Owen and Lizzy had been going out for a little while now. A couple of years to be exact. But I remember last year when me, Owen, and Jordan were sitting on the bench eating our water ice. Owen was to her left and I was to her right. The specific sentence that came out of Owen's mouth made me just fall in love with Jordan. "You know what, Robbie. You should go out with Jordan." And I nudged Jordan and put my head on her shoulder. Then, of course my aunt had to ruin the fun.

I finally snap back into reality when Owen asked how I was doing. "Fine," I lied, when I wasn't fine. Jordan could be walking into this room in a few minutes. Her eyes meeting my eyes and everything happening all over again, but I know that's not going to happen.

When I said that, Carrie Davis walks into the room and gives us a glare. A then it happens, with a sigh, Jordan Anderson, and Bess Johnson walk into the room. Eyes locked and shocked faces. Things aren't going to turn out well for the ex's.


Okay, this is probably going to happen once in a lifetime because I have nothing to do. 3 UPDATES IN ONE DAY! OMG! This was a short update anyways. But still, you know the deal. xD


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