Until Next Time My Friends...

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As you may know from last year, we give our laptops in for the summer. However, since I am in 8th grade, this is my last year with the laptops. So tonight marks the night where this is my last time with my laptop. Tomorrow is the day when I hand them in. 

I'm extremely sad because I had these laptops for 3 years and I really don't want to give it up. However, I might be getting a Macbook like swaggywhitesides is over the summer. I'm not guaranteeing that I will write again, but let's cross our fingers.

Also I'm sad because I will be off of Wattpad for a long period of time again! I'm really sorry about never writing because I'm still having many problems that are occurring in my life. So I apologize about that once more. 

Honestly, I don't want to say goodbye, but it's time. I love my Wattpad family, and I hope you guys never forget about me in the following years.

Best of luck to my friends (and fellow Wattpad users) next year in high school!





And many, many others... I will cherish all of our memories together when I move away from all of you guys. Farewell...


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