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July passed. Then it was August. Sooner or later it was the week before high school started. I already got my school supplies and backpack and so did Calista. The brat's in 7th grade already. Where has time gone? At least it was Saturday. I trudged out of bed and brushed my teeth. I really don't give a crap on the weekends, so why not just research. I grabbed my Macbook Pro and opened it up. In the search engine I searched up "mysterious dreams that come to life." Seems legit.

Some of these people read in the articles had previous experiences with deja vu... And I'm one of them... Someone has to be apart of this... I skimmed even farther through one of the articles.

"Young teen killed from dreams." One article said. "Mysterious syringe found in room."

"What the-" I spoke softly under my breath. I clicked on the image of the light blue syringe on the girls floor. I zoomed in closer and saw the writing "B&M Industries" printed in small black writing. I had no clue what "B&M Industries" meant. Neither did I want to find out, but I had to.

So I searched it up. Nothing came up except a link that said "Don't bother to look anymore. We know who you are." What a friendly greeting. I thought. But it's weird how they know... Just how?

This is something that I needed to share with Robbie. I grabbed my iPhone 6s and dialed his number. No answer. Great, when I really need something important to tell him, he doesn't answer. Then the page refreshed on its own. It said "Don't try. He doesn't want you."

I immediately got off my bed and said "Hello?"

My phone rang and I jumped. Unknown number. I just answered.

"Hello Miss Anderson," said the mysterious, deep voice, "stop searching. We're coming for you and there's no way of stopping us." The voice reminded me of Jigsaw's voice. Creepy.

I started trembling and finally had enough guts to reply. "W-who are you!?"

"That's nothing for your concern. Now please, have a nice day." The line cut off and I started crying with my knees up to my face and trembling. T-This cannot be happening. I'm not even prepared and my boyfriend isn't even answering me!

I just need to know what my brain will end up doing in the future. I searched up "Brain waves during dreams." I clicked on one image and saw that your brain waves go wild while sleeping. Maybe if I somehow can lower the brain waves while sleeping... I then read that seducing your breathing and sleeping on your stomach helps. It also makes you not skirm around a lot. Bess always used to say that I would move around a lot in my sleep. Well, I don't really care about Bess, anymore...

I closed my laptop and got off my bed, trying to start my day off.


I never really ate anything today. No energy and that's what I need. I just went grocery shopping with Mom, Calista, and I. That's basically the only exciting thing that happened today. When we got home, I headed straight for my room and grabbed clothing. Making my way down the steps, I slowed my pace. That weird presence again. Someone is watching me, and I know it... GROSS!

When I entered the bathroom and placed my clothes down, I flipped the middle finger and said, "To whoever is watching me. F*ck you and piss off!" I then sighed and got undressed. I guess I'm going to have company for awhile...

When I was done my shower, I quickly got dressed and headed up to my room. That presence is still there, but how. Just how... I didn't quite go to sleep yet. My teeth were brushed, and my contacts were out. I needed help with this and if Robbie wasn't here to help me, then I know someone who would. I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

"Jordan, what are you-?" Nigel said.

"Just shut up and listen. I'm not here to get back together with you, this is serious business," I said sternly. It just killed me to talk to Nig all over again, but I knew he would help me.

He sighed. "Well, fine. What's up?"

"It's about me personally. And I need help."

"Do you need me to go buy you tampons? I do have a bike you know," Nigel said. I knew that he was smirking right then and there.

"No! Something more, you know, private."

"Well if you aren't on your period then what is it?" Can this kid stop... Like please.

"It's affecting my life and well... since you're at Ashton with all the technology, I need your help." Ashton County High School starts a week before Clear Lake does. I cannot believe that Nig got in and I didn't... But I just need him.

"Hmm. No," Nig said, "just no."

"Why not? This cannot only affect my life, but it can affect everyone's, so please," I started to fake cry. It always makes him give in. "Just please help me."

"See you in 20 minutes." Nigel then hung up the phone and a slight smile came across my face. I got up and out of my room and told Mom that Nigel was coming over.

"Jordan, do you not realize what time it is?!" Mom exclaimed. She did have a point and Nig only slept over once.

"Yes, I know. But don't you like Nigel? He slept over here once, so why can't he sleep over again?"

She sighed. "Fine, he's going to sleep in your room then." I hugged her and then texted Nigel.

Jordan: bring extra clothes. ur sleeping over

Nig: wth?! what for?

Jord: Mom told me to. "it's late"

Nig: fine. i'll see you soon.

Well, I guess he really did mean "forever and always."


Hey everyone! I made up my mind and decided that I probably won't update every single night. I want to make these chapters more detailed and better. So don't get mad if I don't update as fast as I usually do. I'm just trying to make my readers happy. :)

I also didn't forget about the other books either! Updates will be rolling soon!


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