Chapter 4 - Wheres My Panic Button?!

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I woke up and looked around. I was lying in an uncomfortable hospital bed. Those holey blankets draped over me. I had woken up in more uncomfortable places than this, but what caused my reaction was what was standing in front of me. 

The suit was staring at me. I glared back at it and pointed.

"You," I growled

"What?" He asked

"You," I jabbed my finger and scowled "What do you want!"

"What do you mean what do I want?" He cried "You know exactly what."

"Well then you can leave." I crossed my arms

"No," he said stubbornly

"Why would you do this?" I glared 

"Because," he threw his hands up

"Why are you still in the suit?" I scowled deeper. 

I heard foot steps coming down the hall and he turned into the room. He smiled at me he had a tray off food in his hands and a head set on. I glanced around at the suit and then to him, squinting.

"Is that cake?" I asked pointing at the tray

He looked down and then back up at me. 

"Uh.. yeah," He stuttered 

I motioned for him to come closer. A smile threatened at the corner of his lips as he walked toward me. I held my hand out and he leaned closer his eyes fluttering. I took the cake off the tray along with a fork. I sat back in my bed and took a bite. 

"Thanks," I motioned to the cake

He looked at me appalled. He tried to snatch the cake away from me but I put my forearm up and blocked him.

"You owe me," I said shortly. 

"So you take my cake?" He asked in mock anger

"Yeah," I shrugged "Its chocolate. What do you expect me to do?"

He stood looking at me with his mouth agape. I leaned forward a little.

"Why are you here?" I sighed

"This is what you say to me after I save your life?" He asked stubbornly

"I dont care if you just saved my life." I retorted "I'm just fine. No thanks to you,"

"Its every thanks to me." He pointed accusingly. He came and sat on the side of the bed. "With out me you would probably still be in that car on the side of the road. Close to death."

"I wouldnt have crashed if it werent for you," I replied shortly

"And how is that?" He asked angrily

"You just freaking show up, no warning, nothing. Then you zoom off. I wanted answers. So I was on the phone with your friend James Rhodes and I crashed." I explained

"Well at first I was going to talk to you," He pointed at me "But then I saw you with your family. So are you married now?"

He was glaring at me. How dare he. I felt the anger grow inside my chest.

"No," I scowled

"So you just have a love child now or something?" He asked, his lips were pursed and his eye brows furrowed

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked glancing around 

"Oh please! You were walking out of the ice cream shop with some tall blond guy and a little kid." He spat

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