Chapter 11- The 3 Fates

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While we were flying over it occured to me to call up Clint. Jarvis patched me through and Clint answered on the other end of the phone.

"Clint, I wanna know just exactly how that mother fucker got through all the security that the united states has on its the decalartion of independance and all that other shit he just fucking destroyed!" I yelled in the helmet.

"He has the militarry under his control. He offered alot of the officials a place in the new government to gain their co-operation." he answered. 

"How'd you find this out?" I asked

"Because they are shutting off the power to the hellicarrier." he answered 

"Its a good thing you called on his cell phone," I heard Jacqueline scream in the backround

"So whats happening? What are you going to do?" I started to turn around calling out Tony's name

"Its fine we landed it in time." He explained "Our engines went out right as we were able to get it in the water. We are floating of the coast of canada at the moment."

"Alright," I said steadying myself and setting my self forward at the top speed the suit would allow.

We were using the fastest suits he had. The shot gun and the apollo. They were the only suits that could go over a 100 miles per hour. They cut through the air like bullets. They were amazing to use. 

"Hey listen broadcast a message to the citizens telling them everything is alright. The government is their protector and we need to assure them that everything will be alright. That we are handling it." I commanded to Clint

"Ok...." he paused " Who should to the people?"

"Wait till we get back and we will send one out to the people as a team."  I said "We should be back in only a little bit."

"To check out what the Libra wants with that kid." I replied

"Why is the kid of interest?" I heard Bruce ask over the phone

"Sorry, speaker phone." Clint cut in

"Because the kid is my only relation beyond his father." I explained with indifference.

"Talk to you soon," I heard Nicole's voice over the speaker. 


The phone hung up and Clint's picture dissapeard off of the display in front of my face. I looked over to Tony and he nodded. We pushed our suits to their extent in speed and reached our destination in a couple of minutes. 

Before we landed I had Jarvis track down Castor. Using his cellphone to pin point his location. We landed coincidentally just outside a bar. The suits peeled off of us and we stepped out heading into the bar together. I searched down the bar and found Castor's head covered in curly blonde hair just a ways down. I walked down and placed a hand on his shoulder. He spun around quickly in response and I took in his appearance with shock. 

His eyes were sunken in and his skin had lost its tan. His cheeks were sallow and were absent of his usual rosey color that enhanced his booming laugh. He had a certain presence now that seemed to depress the people surrounding him. A look of recognition crossed his clearly drunken eyes.

"Evangeline?" He asked sadly

"Yes Castor." I nodded smiling weakly

"I saw you on the TV." He said "Thank you for trying to save her."

Tears filled his eyes and he turned quickly to his drink and threw it down the hatch. I grew sick knowing how he felt. Exactly what it was like to have the love of your life die and the love itself not die with it. I held out my hand to him and he took it shakily. 

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