Chapter 19- Limbo

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We all walked through the gate on edge. But the sight that met our eyes was not what would have been expected. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. We had entered a large field covered in green grass. It had rounded edges with 7 gates surrounding it and in the distance behind us you could see a large intricate castle. The gate exposing the 3 predators and the dirt passage close to show the other side of the intricate door. It depicted people mulling around in a large field. 

"This is the equivelent to the asphodel fields from the greeks." Holly explained "They had some things about the after life right."

He walked around the door we had just come through and headed off toward the castle. We began to follow and we walked in silence for a little while when he finally spoke up. He pointed at the gates behind us.

"They represent the 7 virtues, though the gates them selves dont lead anywhere." He pointed at one large strong looking gate. "That one represents honesty and is obviously one of the stronger ones. That one is patience. After that one is courage, then comes hope and preservation. The last three symbolise charity,love, and faith."

"If one of the souls held here trys to open them they'll swing open to show a stary sky. But the one representing faith will not open. It is said that if you open it you'll find that it leads to heaven itself." He explained as we started the climb up the flag stone steps toward the castle "But thats not true. I think its just meant to tease these souls. There is no way for them to redeem themselves and open that gate. Even if they could it would only show the same thing as the others did." He sighed and pointed at the sides of the flagstone steps.

It was only then that I noticed the dead bodies lying besides them. At a close look you would see that they were the bodies of dead babies. Holly directed his sight plainly to the castle above. 

"They are the aborted children and many of the other babies that died and were not baptized. Their bodiese rest here but their souls reside in the castle beside the virtious peagans." Holly sounded mournful when speaking about them.

I found that I could'nt stare at their faces either. Their blank looks and lightless eyes seemed to watch us as we went by and when we reached the top steps I found myself relieved. The first sense of relief that I had found in this place and I sighed a little with thanks for that small sense of safety but it was clear that no where here was safe. We were in hell itself and kidding ourselves about that  would be doing each other a dis-service. 

The castle walls closed in around us. The bricks toppling over each other in an almost orderly fashion to close the space we had entered through. I turned my attention to the towering castle above us.  The grey roofs were pointed at the tops of 3 different towers strategically placed around the castle and the main building had a similar pyramid like grey roof that contrasted against the brown walls of the castle. As we walked through the court yard I took notice of how well manicured it was. The hedges around were cut into figures and other mystical beings. 

The leaves on one ruffled unexpectantly and a man with a turban on his head peeked out from around the hedge. His face broke into a smile and strode forward from behind the hedge to meet us. He embraced Holly and then shook Claude's hand. He turned toward the rest of us with an expecting look.

"Ah yes," Smiled Holly "This is Avicenna, the persian polymath. Avicenna, this is Tony, Jacqueline,Castor, and Max."

"A pleasure to meet your aquintance," He smiled at us all and clasped each of our hands in both of his as he moved down the line. "Who are you coming to get now?"

"Well her name is Evangeline," Holly began "I believe you met her on our last visit."

"Oh yes, stalky lady with curly black hair. Yes she looked quite alot like someone I had once known."  He said thoughtfully "I am sorry to hear that she was sent down here."

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