Chapter 9- A Promise

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I helped Tony up. He was wiping his eyes. Looking around at the surrounding people with shame. They had stopped watching though. They had come to tend to the dead. I noticed Deana's body sitting seperate from all the others. No one had taken care of her corpse yet. I squeezed Tony's shoulders and walked over to Deana's body. Castor loved her and he loved that she had given him Phoenix. He was so pure. What would be wrong with him now? Now he was just as bad if not worse than the rest of us. 

I knelt down beside Deana and secured the bag around her head. I lifted her body with some difficult over my shoulder and began to walk out onto the green grass. I stopped when I was in the middle of it and layed Deana's body down in the middle of the soft grass. Away from any of the other dead bodies and the blood stained grass that framed them. I turned to look at the surrounding group. They were all watching me intently whille leaning next to their own friends. 

"Max," I turned to her "Would you be so kind as to provide me a shovel?" 

She furrowed her brows and wiggled her jaw as she trotted down the steps and pulled a shovel out of thin air and handed it to me. I grasped the wooden handle in my hands as my knuckles turned white. Holding it up in the air in front of my onlookers. 

"I think its best we bury our dead," I nodded to them all "And then we track that mother fucker down and make him squel on live t.v. Just like he did to us."

I let my message seek in for a moment. Max hardened her gaze and pulled several shovels out of thin air and threw them to the people walking down the steps with a corpse swung over their shoulders. 

"As you all know," I looked around at them all as they gingerly set their dead down on the grass and looked at me. Shovels clutched in their hands. "I've done some bad things with my past. Worked with some bad people. So I know exactly what it feels like to gett revenge. But I know how to do it properly. Its not enough to just kill them. Instead we humiliate him, we take him apart, we crack him like an egg, and only then do we ALLOW him to die. That being said. I say we go after him. With no mercy. If you could take on an entire alien army, then you can take on a geeky little kid from high school no better than the cowards who shot up Collumbine in colorado."

I stared around at them all. Clint and Jacqueline were holding hands. Silent tears were streaming down her face yet she nodded solmelny along with Clint. A single tear had leaked from his eye and the only evidence was the glistening trail it had left behind. Loki was standing beside his red eyed brother, both of them with their jaws clenched in determination. Bruce was standing there with a calm expression yet his eyes blazed with his alter ego behind them. Tony stood still holding Pepper like a parent holds a child. A bag over her head and the tips of her long orange hair peeking out of the bottom. His nose flarred and his eyes streamed once again. He nodded, anger rising in his eyes. Steve was holding Nicole who was kneeling beside a dead body with a strange look on her face. They both gave me a short nod.

The agent who had saved me the other day from that underground fortress was looking wistfully back at the where the land mine had been that had turned Fury into hamburger. She licked her lips and spoke "How do you suggest we do it?"

"We start by showing that we are not weakened by this." I said proudly "We will bury our dead to show them the respect they deserve. We will broadcast it as a live message. These are fallen soldiers and will get a tribute to their name. Just as their deaths did. Their deaths do not cripple us, but help us to rise above him. Anger is a far greater motivator. We have much more at stake here than him. So we will fight harder. "

"How will we broadcast it?" Nicole looked up at me, her eyes were hardened and her jaw was clenched, but her shakey voice gave away her true emotions. 

"I was in charge of that for him before," The girl named Paxton was walking over toward us. "I'll do it for you as well."

I narrowed my eyes at her and pointed to Max.

"I think Max can provide you with what you need." I replied blankly 

Max turned and handed the shovel off to Loki. She walked over to Paxton, who shook her hand and began her requests. She looked around and spotted the cameras they had used and ran over to them begining her work.

I took my shovel in my hand and began to dig. We dug for a long time. Until Paxton came and waved me over. She asked if I wanted to say anything to the cameras. I motioned for her to give me a few as I layed Deana's body in the ground and pilled the dirt back on top. Patting down the soil with the flat end of my shovel I turned to the camera Paxton had pointed out and she bent to control it on her smart phone. 

"The Avengers are here to continue The Libra's earlier broadcast." I stated "We wanted to show him that these people meant something. They were not just pieces on a game. Or in-animate objects he could use to balance his so called scale. He chose a person for each of us that would strike a nerve. We wanted to show to him that he has not crippled us, but given us more reason to find him and destroy him and everything he thinks he stands for. He will not take us, and he will not take this country. So we bury these dead as a memorial and a promise... that he will soon be right beside them. 6 feet below."

Short chapter due to my limited amount of time. I promise another one on the marrow for you all. I love you all as always. Please vote,comment, make my day punks... haha jk. Happy reads friends and a happy tuesday to you all. 

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