Chapter 26- We Will Live For Each Other

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This really is the end my friends. I know it doenst follow the traditional comic book style. The comic book charecters I have used would never have faced this end and yet I find that it is important to do this. I didnt enjoy this book and one day I might pull some shenanigin to bring this back but until then my dearys this is over with. I hope you enjoy this last one. I think I enjoyed writing it and yet I feel all melancholy still. Well here it is farewell. To the side is Whitney Housten's "I will always love you" I thought it was fitting for this last chapter. Enjoy my friends.

Evangeline's POV


As we had walked I had passed a piece of paper to Claude as we continued down to the depths of that bolgia where the farting demons resided. As he read his face changed from a smile to a face filled with fear. A tear escaped from the corner of his eye and he turned and nodded to me. I had to stop my self from hyperventalating just then. Tony gave me a look and I covered it with a smile and turned away from him and to the demons who over looked us. 

The purple one jumped down from his thrown and weighted through the strange liquid. He pulled himself up on to our platform and looked us over and then spit a wad of something back at one of the souls mulling about in the strange slush. The soul started crying and the demon laughed harshly. It turned to us and motioned for us to follow.

"This way to the other bolgias my friends." He smiled and lifted his leg giving off a fart as he went. He led us down a passage way and then we were standing in front of the 6th bolgia. It was just a hole with a bunch of people with metal cloaks on. their faces appeared strained as they struggled over the weight they were holding on their backs.

"Its for the hypocrites," The demon cackled, his smile became inpish and he picked claude up easily and threw him into the gutter with the souls in the lead cloaks. Before we knew it we were all being picked up and thrown. I landed and turned angriliy toward the demons but they had already dissapeared. The souls with their lead cloaks on, watched us with blank faces as we struggled around on the slippery ground. 

They suddenly all knelt and picked us up as well. We struggled against them until they pushed onto the ledge out of the bolgia. I rolled onto my back and looked around at them with bewilderment. They gave us those same blank faces and then began to struggle under their cloaks again. I picked myself up and helped the others up.

"Fuckin demons," I cried flipping them off in their directions.

"Calm down," Claude whispered to me, his eyes were red and he looked at me with something like anger and resignment. I nodded shortly and determinedly at him. He nodded and sighed heavily. We picked up the others quitley and I picked Tony up myself. Holding onto him for a little too long. He gave me a questioning look and I raised my eye brows innocently and set off and away we moved through the rest of the bolgias with ease. Simply crossing the bridges, but this time I failed to join in on their jabs and pokes at fun about the souls. Tony was concerned about me but I waved him off. I had more important things to be thinking about. To come to terms with. For that little piece of paper clutched in Claude's fist was my fate and his. 

We entered the 9th level by the hands of giants who we conversed with briefly before they transfered us down to round 1 of this circle. The giants broke their chains and headed toward the surface to join us in our war. I looked ahead at the icey water. This is where they kept traitors who had betrayed their family. I sighed with a heavy heart and we proceeded onto Round 2 where the politcal traitors are kept. They were punished by those who suffered from their betrayal. I had to admit that they were very ellaborate and creative.On to round 3 who betrays their geusts they suffer from being engulfed in flames.Round 4 was the last before we reached the center. These souls were kept in ice, they were the people who had bettrayed their lords and masters. 

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