I Hate Bullies!

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Hey guys!!! This is my new fanfiction, I hope you like it, I have had inspiration from some AMAZING writers on Wattpad, so credit goes out to them for giving me ideas!! I hope you like this!!! (Thoughts are in italics) And also, whenever you see a link in the story, if you copy and paste it, it will lead you to what i'm wearing in the story and my polyvore account!!! ;)

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I couldn't believe I was running late for school! I set my alarm for 7:30am, I usually met Lauren and Sophie at 8am, then we get to school by 8:30am, half an hour before school actually started! But somehow, I managed to sleep through my alarm till 8am. I jumped out of bed after realising the time and ran into my ensuite. After washing my face, I ran into my walk-in wardrobe (yeah I live in a big house) and looked inside. I ended up picking a black leather skater skirt, bright blue over-the-knee socks, bright red high-top sneakers, a sleeveless comic book crop top that was black; white; blue; red and yellow, I then pulled a sleevless denim vest over the top, grabbed my bright yellow backpack and shoved my school stuff in there, I quickly brushed my hair, I had no time to do anything with it and ran out of my room. ((http://www.polyvore.com/day_out/set?id=81924262)) I downed a slice of toast and a cup of tea, brushed my teeth, said goodbye to my various family members and ran out the room. Then I had to go back because I forgot my phone! After leaving the house a second time, I legged it to where I normally meet the girls. It was now 8:20am.

I stopped running after about 5 minutes, I wasn't exactly the fittest person around. Then I saw them. Across the road. The meaniest gang at school. They bullied little kids and people their own age. Harry. Liam. Louis. Niall. Zayn. They always co-ordinated their outfits, Harry always standing in the middle. He was the boss. And the worst. ((http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WOZXyXhF2pY/UCoL0pDVbfI/AAAAAAAAJg4/b2nMHgaQBtU/s1600/tumblr_m2pbshRaQ21rssjmro1_500.jpg)) But somehow, I had a crush on him. Ever since the first day of senior school. But he scared me. I picked up the pace, trying not to make eye contact with any of them but I couldn't escape. They crossed the road. I walked faster. Before I could get away, they were stood right in front of me. "You're walking quite fast? Trying to get away?" I looked down at my feet, avoiding eye contact. "I'm talking to you." Harry raised his voice slightly. He used his long index finger and his thumb to guide my chin up to look at him. "That's better." I saw smirks and grins appear on their faces as I looked up. I finally decided to speak up. "Please leave me alone." I tried to move round them but Niall stood in my way. "Just get OUT of my way!" Harry was having none of it, his tall figure towering over me.

"Later BITCH!" He slapped me round the face, crossed the road, closely followed by the boys laughing. My eyes stung with tears as I hurried along the pavement. I got to the corner where  Sophie and Lauren were waiting. "OMG! Hannah, what happened?" Sophie ran up to me.

"I'll tell you on the way to school." I held my cheek in my hand. I wasn't going to stand for anymore abuse at school. From anyone.


"He DID WHAT?" Eve shouted. My friend didn't exactly know how to be quiet; along with Chelsea and Maisie.

"I told you it's nothing and to be honest, I am fed up of it, so if he even touches me again, or any of you, he is going to know about it." We walked down the hall and into our history room. Our teacher; Mr Adams greeted us. "Good morning girls."

"Morning!" We all smiled and spoke in unison.

"*cough* sluts!" I spun round and looked at Harry, who was sat at the front; sniggering.

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