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Hey guys! Sorry the last chapter was really long, I just wanted to write so much in that chapter! Here is the new one, hope you like it!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I woke up at around 9:30am. My first lie-in being 19. Then I realised I had a check-up today at the hospital. I sat up in bed, then right on cue, my mother came in. "Good morning, my 19 year old." She winked at me. "We have an appointment at 11am, so you might want to get up and get moving." Then she left me to it. I got up, brushed my hair, went to the bathroom, opened my balcony doors and windows, then went downstairs. "Morning everyone." I spoke as I walked into the kitchen, they were all sat round the table.

"Good morning, did you enjoy yesterday?" I turned to my dad.

"Yeah it was good thanks but I have a bit of a headache, how much did I drink yesterday?"

"You had quite a bit in the evening!" Will laughed at the thought of me drunk.

"Oh and don't make any plans today for after your appointment." My mother looked a bit shifty.

"Why?" I questioned. She shrugged.

"No reason." After finishing my breakfast, I went upstairs to get changed. I decided on my new dungarees, a crop top, flip flops, my hair in a top knot and some RayBans. (( Then by the time I finished I went downstairs to meet my mum and we went off to the appointment.


We got out from the appointment after the ALL CLEAR! My mum and I were ecstatic about what the doctor just said. I had to stay on my medication for another week and then I would be fine to stop! We got back into my mum's convertible, blasted the music out loud and drove off home.

~Will's P.O.V~

I opened the door and welcomed the 4 boys into the house. They were going to set up in the garden and surprise Hannah when she got home. My dad, Liv, Jamie and Darcey were in the kitchen making stuff for the buffet that was going to be set up outside because it was quite hot today. It was only going to be a small surprise, the family, Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and the girls; Sophie, Lauren, Eve, Chelsea and Maisie. Hannah was going to go insane when she saw the surprise we had in store for her, she is going to LOVE IT!

~Chelsea's P.O.V~

We got round to Hannah's house and was greeted by her brother Will at the door. "Hi!" We all said in unison as the door swung open. We walked into the hallway and the smell of food hit us, Hannah's dad was actually quite a good cook! "Mmm something smells good!" We all walked into the kitchen, grabbed some drinks and followed Will into the garden. I couldn't believe who I saw setting up in front of me. "Oh My GOD!" This was going to be amazing. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and ran over to them.

~Harry's P.O.V~

We walked up to the front door of Hannah's house and waited for someone to come and answer our knock. Then we were greeted by Lauren. "Hi guys!" She seemed so happy for some unknown reason.

"Hi Lauren, you alright?" Her smile grew wider.

"I am AMAZING thank you!" She welcomed us inside. We took our shoes off and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a drink each and walked into the garden. Then we all stopped in our tracks. All the girls were swooning over these 4 boys setting up some equipment in the garden, they looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

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