Today Is The Day.

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Hope you're liking my new book, I quite like this storyline!!!!! Here is the next chapter, hope you like it!!!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I was woken up by my mother gently shaking me. I looked over at the clock and saw the time was 7:00am. I turned my phone on and sat up in my bed. "Now, you aren't allowed to eat anything this morning, you didn't last night which is good. You're allowed a little bit of water and your tablet but that's it. Now are you feeling ok?" I moved slightly to look at my mum.

"I don't really want anything either, I feel quite sick as well, probably just nerves."

"You'll be fine, I'm sorry what Darcey said last night, I have spoken to her about it." I bowed my head as my mum spoke.

"It's fine, she's only young, she doesn't know. Best get a move on then." I had to be at the hospital for 8am before going into surgery at 9am. I rolled out of bed, got changed into some sweats and a jumper, brushed my hair and teeth, grabbed my bag, my phone and my laptop then went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see my siblings and my parents sat round the table.

"Morning darling how are you feeling?" I made eye contact with my dad. He looked like he hadn't had any sleep. Probably worrying about me.

"I'm alright thanks, you don't look so good, please don't tell me you were up all night thinking about me." He bowed his head. "Dad I'm going to be fine, stop worrying." He got up and walked up in front of me.

"Darling, it's my job to worry, your my daughter." He smiled at me which made me cheer up and smile to. He pulled me into a hug and eventually it turned into a family huddle.


~Niall's P.O.V~

We were all awake far too early but we were all nervous and scared for Hannah. Harry had been up for hours on end, pacing up and down the living room, up and down the stairs, pacing around in his room. He needed to be strong for her, this wasn't helping him. He was getting too worked up. We were currently getting ready to go to the hospital, there was no chance that we were going to school today, I think Lauren, Sophie, Eve, Chelsea and Maisie were coming to the hospital too. Of course Liv, Jamie, Darcey and Will were having a day off from school as well, so Hannah was going to have a lot of visitors.

I walked over to Harry. "Dude, you gotta calm down, you can't go and see Hannah like this." I pulled him into a man hug.

"I'm just so scared, for her and for myself." He started crying quitely into my shoulder.

"Don't worry mate, it's gonna be alright...It's gonna be alright."

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I was in my hospital room waiting for 9am to come. It was currently 8:20am and I was in the weird hospital gown, sat on my bed with my hair down and brushed. My parents were sat on some chairs inside, while my siblings were outside. The nurse kept coming in and out to sort things out. Then I heard a door swing and hit the wall from down the corridor. Then I saw Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn walk past the window and straight in through my door. Harry ran straight up to me and hugged me tightly. "Your here." I whispered into his ear.

"I'll always be." He whispered back. But we couldn't continue because a nurse came in. A woman, quite small, she had been in here earlier and had blue eyes and black hair.

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