It's Getting Worse.

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Hello!! I hope you're enjoying the chapters, here is the new one!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I was dismissed from hospital later that evening, along with Harry and they all waved at me, as they left in the car to go home.

I got home, got into my pyjama's and went straight up to bed, I was still in pain but I gently drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to the sunrise shining through my balcony doors: I forgot to close my curtains last night. I rolled out of bed, walked over to my balcony doors, opened them and walked out. The cool breeze blew my hair back away from my face, leaving it vulnerable to the breeze. The birds seemed to be everywhere, tweeting, making noise. The sun was shining and it was already quite warm, I would say about 15 degrees. The garden suddenly started to spin. I grabbed on to the balcony, before falling to my feet. I heard my door open. "OMG Hannah!!" It was Will; he was 17, a year younger than me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah fine just a little dizzy. Help me downstairs?" He nodded in agreement and put my arm round his shoulders as he helped me stumble down and into the kitchen.

"Hannah are you ok? What happened?" My mum was so concerned.

"I'm fine, just went a bit dizzy that's all." Maybe the tablets were finally taking their toll. "It's probably the tablets. You know the side effects and stuff." My parents nodded in agreement. My younger sister Liv who was 14, came over to me with a cup of tea and my tablets.

"Here you go." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." I gently tapped my thigh, signalling her to sit on my lap, I know she was 14, but I was so close to my siblings. Darcey; my other sister who was 2, came and I pulled her up onto my other knee. Will was sat at the dining table with our parents and my other brother, Jamie; who was 9 whilst I was sat with my two sisters at the breakfast bar. Then the doorbell went. Live hopped off my lap and walked out the kitchen and to the door. I heard a masculine voice and then the door shut. Shoes landed on the oak flooring of the hallway, Liv walked back in the kitchen followed by Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Harry.

"Good morning Hannah, Mr and Mrs Shay." Liam spoke as she walked in.

"Please call us Chris and Lynne." Liam nodded at the reply.

"What are you guys doing here?" I was quite confused as to why they were here.

"We just wanted to see how you were." Harry looked me in the eye as he spoke.

"Oh ok then, well I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks." They came in and sat down around the dinner table. I held Darcey with my right arm and went over to make them some coffee and tea. Will came back from getting dressed downstairs.

"I gotta go meet my mates in town. See ya later." He kissed my cheek, hugged Darcey and me, then left. Liv and Jamie had gone upstairs to get changed. My parents were getting ready to go out. It was just the boys, Darcey and me.

"If you're wondering if I can go out this morning, I can't, I'm looking after Darcey."

"Don't worry, we will babysit with you." Louis suggested.

"You don't have to, you know."

"We insist." Niall replied. I didn't have a choice.

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