A Short Holiday...

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Hey guys! Hope your enjoying the story, so Harry and Hannah are finally back together!! Here is the next chapter, hope you like it!


~Hannah's P.O.V~

I logged on to my laptop and onto Skype. Sophie, Eve and Lauren were online. I had been in L.A for two days now and it was already the best holiday ever! My brothers had been surfing, we had all been on the beach and shopping and the ladies of the family had been to a beachside spa, even Darcey! I just woke up here, I think it's about 8:30am, so it would be 4:30pm back in the UK. Timezone's were so confusing!! They accepted my videocall. "HHIIIIII!!!!!" God they were so loud for the morning.

"Hi guys, just keep it down a little, I only just got up." I was sat on the sofa in this modern apartment in a vest, pj shorts and my hair in a top knot. I loved where we were staying, it was so modern and right near the beach!

"Sorry, we're just so excited to see you and speak to you again! How's the holiday going?" I nodded.

"Yeah it's really good thanks! Loving the hot weather, the beaches, the shopping, the spa! I have no idea what we're doing today! This is supposed to be the hottest day of the week so we will probably go to the beach again today!" All the girls made sad, upset faces.

"We wish we were there with you!!" They spoke in unison.

"I know I wish you were here too!! How's the boys?" I really meant Harry, but I thought I'd ask about all of them.

"Yeah they are good, Harry is moaning every day because he misses you but the others are fine." Lauren then spoke up.

"Harry's been a grumpy old git basically!" We all laughed at the comment. Lauren always knew how to spontaneously make people laugh!

We spoke for another 40 minutes then we said our goodbyes. I had spoken to them every day since I left for my holiday, I missed them so much. I shut my laptop down and got up but then the room started to spin. I grabbed onto the nearest thing to stop myself from falling. After a few minutes, it stopped; I thought nothing more of it and went to get changed.


OMG VENICE BEACH IS THE BEST BEACH EVER! I loved it so much! The sea, the sand, the shops, the beach boys!! We all got back and dumped our shopping in our rooms, then decided that we were going to go out somewhere for dinner because it was such a nice evening. I took a shower, then cleansed my face and dried my hair. I then began to feel a little sick but it was probably just because I was hungry. I decided on wearing a maxi skirt, a t-shirt, brown sandals and accessories. ((http://www.polyvore.com/festival/set?id=89627424)) It was now around 5pm, we met in the hallway and walked down to the car we had hired for the holiday. I still felt sick but I thought nothing of it and got in the back of the car with Will and Liv, Jamie and Darcey behind us. And my parents in the passenger and drivers seat. "What's the matter Hannah?" Will asked. "You look a bit peaky." I drifted out of my trance and looked at my brother, his face full of concern.

"I'm fine, just feel a bit sick, probably because I'm hungry." I weakly smiled and carried on looking out the window at the perfect view.

We eventually got to the restaurant and it was called "Lil Joey's". It had an amazing decking area with a good view of a beach. We were taken to a table outside. The table was pretty, a nice blue umbrella was open and sheltering the table from the sun, the chairs had padded cushions on and were placed around the table. We all took our places and decided to look at the drinks menu first. I ordered a coke, along with my mum, Liv and Jamie. Darcey had water, Will and my dad had a beer. I wish we just hurried up and ordered, I feel so sick!"

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