The News.

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Hey guys! I hope you liked my first chapter of my new story! What do you think Harry and Hannah are going to do? Is he lying about talking to the boys? Who knows!! Here is the new chapter!

~Hannah's P.O.V~


"Darling, I have booked you an appointment for tomorrow lunchtime, if you do go back to school, I will pick you up, are you sure you're going to be ok on your own for about 20 minutes? I need to pop to the shop." My mother was such a good person, she cared for me so much. 

"Yeah I will be fine." I had been in bed for the past 5 days, vomiting every 5 minutes, I had been given antibiotics by the doctor, they seemed to have worked on my vomiting, I haven't been as bad as I was when I got home from school that day. My room stank of sick, ew. I have been cooped up in my room, in my pyjama's, all I could manage to eat was bread; toast; crackers; slices of cheese; butter; water and cups of tea. I had also lost a stone in weight. I seriously didn't know what was wrong with me. I felt weak, my fragile body shivering, feeling like if I moved once more, my body would snap in half. My hair was in a rough ponytail, I had some black dance shorts on, a loosely cropped white top and over-the-knee socks. (( I was cold, but I kept getting hot flushes, my temperature soared and then dropped back down again.

I was left alone in my room to rest. I had quite a large room. I had a massive double bed with steps up to it (and a small trampoline that you bounce on to dive into bed!) it also had speakers in the blue headboard, the colours that were dotted around my room were mostly blue and white, but there was some orange, black and purple as well. I had a walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite. I had a chilling area with multi-coloured beanbags and a coffee table, I had a desk and a massive telly placed on the wall and a balcony which overlooked the back garden. (Which was massive!!) I loved my room! Suddenly my phone buzzed. I reached over to my beside table and picked up my phone. The text was from Sophie. It read:

Hi, we all hope you're feeling better today, will you be in tomorrow? We miss you so much!! X

I replied saying:

Yeah I will probably be in tomorrow, be in for a shock, I look bloody awful, thanks missing you too xxxx

I placed my iPhone back on the table, snuggled down and gently drifted off to sleep...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT DAY.

~Harry's P.O.V~

I had no idea where Hannah had been these last 6 days. I hope she wasn't staying off school because of me...

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I wasn't looking forward to going back to school. I was so fragile and I still felt really unwell. I was wearing some ripped jeans, a jumper, a beanie, converses and I shoved my hair into a side plait. (( I shoved all my stuff into a black satchel and went to meet Sophie and Lauren.

"OMG! Hannah, are you ok?" I was completely freezing.

"Yeah I'm fine, just fragile, weak and bloody freezing." I had no enthusiasm in my voice. I could hardly open my eyes, I felt so different. We all walked to school, Sophie and Lauren had their arms round me to keep me warm and protect me from the looks that I was getting from people. The girls all had a lesson first but I didn't so they left me to deal with whatever came my way. I opened my locker door; even that was a challenge and took my folder out. Then, I felt someone's breath on the back of my neck. I turned around and was greeted by Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall...And Harry who was sheltering away behind everyone else. "Look, I'm really not in the mood, I feel really ill, I have lost a stone in weight and I feel like I'm going to collapse, so whatever you're going to do, I don't want you to do it." 

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