Happy Birthday!

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Hey guys! Hope your liking this new story!!! Here is the next chapter, hope you like it!!


~Hannah's P.O.V~

It had been two days since I was released from hospital, and something I didn't realise was...IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! I woke up around 9am; I still wasn't allowed to go to school, got out of my bed, opened my balcony doors wide, opened my windows because it was already hot, shoved it up into a rough ponytail, went to the bathroom, then walked out my room after grabbing my phone and went downstairs. "Morning!" I sang as I walked into the kitchen. But there was no-one there. Slightly disappointing. I walked into the lounge and no-one was there. That's when I remembered. Everyone was at work and school. Great. Then I got a message. It was from my mum and it read:

Morning darling, I didn't want to wake you but, Darcey never goes into nursery on Friday's as you know, but because you weren't awake, I put her in there this morning, so when you are ready and done, would you mind picking her up? Thank you sweetie, luv you, see you later xx

Typical. She should have just woken me up! I made myself a cup of tea and got some toast, took it up to my room whilst I decided what to wear. It was really hot so something cool would be good but not something that would show off my scar. Don't want to scare the little kids at the nursery. After my shower I decided on wearing a tie dye dress, black over the knee socks,a blue necklace and some black Dr Martens. I kept my hair down and put a brown headband on.((http://www.polyvore.com/based_on_perrie_edwards_from/set?id=86595960)) I loosely curled the ends of my hair and left my face natural. I was actually quite tanned.

I checked my phone and it said it was going to be highest of 21 degrees today and lowest of 15, that was quite good for London! After I finished my tea and breakfast, I took my tablet, closed the balcony doors, pulled the windows in slightly, brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I rummaged through loads of drawers trying to find my car keys, after 5 minutes of searching I finally found them. I walked out onto our driveway and got into my blue Mini Cooper Convertible. The sun was already shining and it was now around 10:30pm. I pressed the button which let my roof down. I switched the radio on, made sure the baby seat was strapped in tight and sped off down the road.

~Lauren's P.O.V~

I was so unbelievably bored at school. I was in English as well which was one of the most boring lessons ever! I looked around and saw the boys at the back. Harry, Louis and Liam were all laughing because Zayn and Niall had fallen asleep! Sophie, Eve, Maisie and Chelsea were all having a gossip, I was separated from them because I couldn't be trusted APPARENTLY! Then the lights went out. Some of the geeks started screaming, idiots. Everyone got up and wondered out into the corridor not listening to the teachers instructions.

"I wonder what's going on?" Sophie said looking around. I looked either way down the hall, it was pitch black. Other classes were beginning to flood out their rooms to see what the commotion was. Then their was a noise from the overhead speakers.

"Good morning students, I'm afraid to say we're experiencing a powercut and it looks like its going to be here for a while, it may be threatening the water supply as well. We have to do our duty and send you home, please grab your bags and make your way SENSIBLY out of school, thank you." Before the message finished, most of the older kids grabbed their bags and started running down the corridor and out the door. We all ran in, packed up our stuff, chucked our bags on our shoulders and we all ran out the room.

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