The Last Day.

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Hello!!! Here is the new chapters, hope you like it!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I woke up at around 9am. I checked my phone but I didn't have any messages. I looked over to my calendar and saw that today was the last day before I go into hospital for my surgery. I got out of bed, put my hair up in a top knot and slowly made my way downstairs. Louis and Zayn were in the lounge watching telly. "Morning sweetie." Zayn spoke. I smiled as I walked in.

"Morning." I took my place on the sofa. "Are you gonna tell me what we're doing today or not?" Louis just winked at me. "I guess not." I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of tea and took my tablet. Then I felt a presence behind me. It was Louis.

"Um...Harry wanted me to give you this, I don't know what it is, I haven't opened it." I stared at the box, then him.

"If it's for me, I was hoping you wouldn't." He smirked at my response. I shooed him back off to the lounge, walked over to the breakfast bar and sat on a stool. The label read:

I wish I could be with you today on your last day before hospital but the boys wouldn't let me stay, so I got you this instead, hopefully it will remind you of me and our friendship,

Harry xx

I was quite confused as to what it was. In front of me on the breakfast bar was a long, narrow box. I took the lid off carefully, there was loads of blue tissue paper inside. As I pushed the tissue paper to the side, I was greeted by the most beautiful thing ever. It was a long, silver chain and at the bottom was a silver laced heart. It was truly wonderful. Then I saw a small ridge on the side of the heart. I got my nail and lifted it slightly, then it popped open. Inside the heart was a picture of Harry and me from the meal last night. I gasped slightly because it was so beautiful. I put it on round my neck, put the lid back on the box and walked into the lounge with my tea. "What did Harry get you?" Zayn questioned. I walked over to both of them and opened the locket to show them.

"Awww that's sweet." Louis spoke. I detected a small hint of sarcasm when he talked. It was weird because I haven't had any collapsing spells or dizziness since the last time. I still hurt a little bit from the beating but I have kept up my tablets so I haven't had any problems. I wasn't looking forward to going into hospital tomorrow. Then my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw that it was Harry. It read:

Morning, how are you feeling? I haven't got any lessons after break so I'm coming back to you, did you get my present? Xxxx

I smiled at the message and replied with:

You don't have to, honestly, go out and have fun; you don't need to keep an eye on me, I'm not going to die! Sorry, wrong choice of words considering; and yes I did, thank you so much it is beautiful. xxxxx

I got a reply almost straight away from Harry saying:

I'm having fun when I'm round yours looking after you, now stop, I'm coming that's final and I'm glad you liked it xxxx

I didn't have a choice, Harry was coming back this afternoon.


I got back from my mystery surprise that Louis and Zayn arranged. It was a picnic inside a pod on the London Eye! It was so funny because Zayn gave me a piggyback and Louis shoved sandwiches in his mouth when it was time to take the picture and we were allowed to print it off. I now have that memory stuck on my bedroom door along with some others with the rest of the boys, family and friends. I was up in my room when I heard the doorbell go, all my siblings were at school/nursery and my parents were both at work, that could only mean one thing, it was Harry. I ran out of my room but I was at the top of the stairs when Zayn opened the door. "Alright mate?"

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