Everything Seemed Normal.

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Here is the new chapter guys, hope your liking the story!!!!!

~Niall's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sun gleaming through the balcony curtains (they were quite thin) and around the room. I sat up and looked over at the bed. Hannah was still asleep, I'll just leave her for now. 

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bed side table. I rolled over, looked at the clock which read 9:30am and picked up my phone. I had two texts. One from Lauren which read:

Hey I heard what happened, we all hope you're ok, I gather you're not coming into school today, get better soon and we will be there for you on Wednesday xxxxxxx

(They must know that I'm friends with the boys again!) I replied by saying:

Yeah, thanks for the support, see ya Wednesday xxxxx

I looked at who the other text was from, Harry. It read:

Hey, how ya feeling this morning? Don't be alarmed when you see me in your kitchen ;) xxx

I read the last part again. I threw the covers back, Niall and Liam were gone. I stormed downstairs and ran into the kitchen. Harry was sat on a stool at the breakfast bar. "Morning." He winked at me.

"Dude, not cool, what have you done with the sensible Irish duo?" He hopped off the high stool.

"I sent them to school." I shrugged and went to make a cup of tea.

"Do you want one, or did you help yourself to that as well?" He chuckled.

"Na, I wasn't that rude, you can make me one. Please." I got some water from the tap in a glass and took my tablet then carried on making the tea. I walked over to the breakfast bar and sat on top of it. The marble was cool on my thighs.

"How are you this morning?" Harry said whilst walking over in front of me, straddling my thighs and squeezing in between them.

"I'm fine thanks." He smiled and put his arms round me for a hug. I wrapped my legs round his waist.

"I'm glad, I thought I lost you yesterday." He whispered into my right ear. He nuzzled his head into my neck and picked me up off the counter. He spun me round carefully and slowly over by the kettle, he held me with one arm and poured the boiling water into each cup. He was so strong. He then resumed the cuddling and nuzzling into my neck. I picked his chin up so he was facing me.

"It's ok, I'm fine, I'm going to get through this, I just need support from my family, friends...And you." He bowed his head.

"I'll support you, I wished every day when we grew apart that you would forgive me and we would be friends again; and now that we are, you're ill. I feel like people are trying to test our friendship, not just ours but your friendship with the boys as well. It's hard." I picked his head back up.

"We are going to get through this, I know you can stay strong for me, and just to let you know, the tumor isn't a person; or have you named it for me?" I winked at him which made him giggle slightly.

"I have named it...It's a boy...Bob!" We laughed in unison at the name, then I rested my forehead onto his.

"We are gonna do this, it's all gonna be fine after Wednesday. I promise." His breathing was heavy.

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