Flirting War

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Hey guys, hope you liked the other chapter, I now have over 100 reads on this story, I'm so happy!! Here is the new chapter, hope you like it!


~Hannah's P.O.V~

I was so happy to finally be on holiday and today was the best last day ever!!! We got cakes, drinks and more food. We also had a movie every lesson! I got home from school and checked my Facebook. My friend Chelsea's status read:

Massive party tonight at the park by Molly's to celebrate the end of school for EVER! Starts at 8pm, be there! Food and drink is already provided X :)

It was hot outside so I decided on wearing some tie dye shorts, a blue crop top, purple sneakers, yellow socks, a pink necklace, some multi-coloured wristbands, I shoved my hair in a top knot and applied my make-up. (( I applied some pink lipgloss and made my eyes look really cool!! By the time I was changed and done, it was already 5:30pm!!! I went downstairs, got a snack and then thought of something. This would be the perfect opportunity to make Harry jealous. I got my phone out and text Molly.

Hey! Can I bring some people to the party? X

She replied:

Yeah sure, It's not at mine, you don't need to ask me, bring as many people haha :P X

I replied:

Thanks xxx See ya later xxx

She replied:

Bye bye xxx

Then I text Sophie, Eve and Lauren in a group message.

How would ya feel if I got u some dates 4 the party tonite?? X

I waited for a response and got one straight back from Eve:


Then from Lauren:

Yeah go on then, they better be hot tho X

Then finally, Sophie:

Um sure ok, who r u thinking?

I smirked to myself as I began another text to our dates for the evening...

~Harry's P.O.V~

I had to make myself look good for this party tonight. I had to make Hannah jealous and pull some girls, ones that Hannah doesn't know preferably, but I'm sure there will be loads. I could always invite some girls...


~Hannah's P.O.V~

I met up with Lauren, Sophie and Eve and waited at the end of my road for our dates. "Who is it that you've got? I'm slightly worried now." Sophie looked really shifty.

"It's going to be fine, look, here they come in the car now. Their manager is dropping them off." Eve looked at the car then me.

"Are you being serious? The VAMPS!" I nodded.

"Yep, Brad is with you Eve, Tristan is Lauren's date, Connor is Sophie's and James... Is mine!" They got out the car and strolled towards us. They all hugged us and James kissed me on the cheek. "Right let's go then, follow us!" We began walking and before we even turned into Molly's road, we could hear the loud music from the park. This was going to be a fun night!

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