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Hello guys this is my new chapter, hope you like it! Sorry the last one was depressing!


~Hannah's P.O.V~

"You have made excellent progress, your stitches are healing and the bruising has gone down, you are able to leave any time today." I screamed at what the doctor just said. I pulled my parents in for a hug. My siblings were at school/nursery, Harry and the boys and the girls were all at school but apparently they were all going to bunk off at lunch to come and see me.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M GOING HOME!" I hugged the doctor so tight, I think I almost strangled him. My parents began packing up my stuff. After the doctor left, I put on some sweats, some uggs, a jumper and shoved my hair in a top knot. I had a couple of slices of toast, then brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag and walked out of the hospital with my parents.

~Sophie's P.O.V~

It was break and Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam and Niall were sitting with us girlies when I got a call. "Guys it's from Hannah!!" Everyone shut up. "Hello!!!"

"Hi Sophie, I assume everyone else is there, hi!!" Everyone replied to Hannah whilst I held the phone. "Well I have some news, I have been discharged from hospital AND I'M ON MY WAY HOME NOW!" I have never been deafened before in my life. Everyone screamed into the phone, scaring me so much I almost dropped my phone.

"OMG THAT'S AMAZING!" Harry shouted.

"WE'LL SEE YA LATER!" Screamed Lauren and Chelsea in unison. After ending the call the bell rang and we had to go to class.

~Harry's P.O.V~

As soon as I heard Hannah was on her way home after being discharged, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was so glad she was going to leave that place behind, along with the bad memories. I was so looking forward to seeing her later on. As I walked to my seat in History and sat down, all I could think about was Hannah. I sat next to Louis who seemed to realise I was thinking about something.

"Harry? Harry!!" I quickly snapped out of it and turned my head to him.


"You alright?" I nodded at him.

"I'm fine." Our teacher walked in and over to his desk, opened up his laptop and sat down. He was so annoying. I suddenly started thinking about Hannah again. By now our teacher was reading out the register waiting for replies.

"Harry Styles...Harry? HARRY!" I snapped out of my trance again after hearing my name.

"What? Sorry Sir, yes Sir." He gave me a massive glare.

"Strike 1 Styles, don't get a second. FOCUS."


All through the lesson I couldn't stop thinking about Hannah. I had also got a second strike for not listening. This lesson was something to do with Henry VIII and his wives but I already knew most of that so I wasn't paying any attention whatsoever. Then I saw a note crash onto my desk. It was from Louis.

'Dude, you gotta stop daydreaming, I don't know what's up with you but you need to stop, you don't want another strike otherwise your gonna get an after school detention and that won't be good seeing as we are going to see Hannah.' I looked over at Louis who shrugged and continued to look at the board. I scrunched up the note and threw it back at him.

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