Goodbye...I love you.

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Hey, sorry for the last chapter, I know it must have been really sad for all of you, well here is the final chapter, sorry if this one makes you cry.


~Harry's P.O.V~

I haven't left this hospital since we found out the news 2 days ago. It was around 8am when I woke up. I had a massive crick in my neck from sleeping in a chair in the corridor. Hannah's parents were already awake and weakly smiled at me as my eyes came into focus. "The nurse said we can go in and visit today seeing as she is deteriorating, we've already been in, why don't you go in, she wants to see you." I nodded as I couldn't speak yet, got up and gently opened the door to see Hannah lying in her bed, pale as the white duvet cover, veins showing, her arms were fraile and tiny. She must have heard the door open because she turned to look at me. She lifted her hand up to me. "Harry." Her voice was no more than whisper, that was all she could manage.

"Hannah." I ran up to her and gently scooped her into my arms, hugging her. "I'm so sorry." She pulled away and I placed her back onto the pillows.

"What have you got to be sorry for?" Her eyes were barely open, you could see she was fading away.

"Just all of this, the tumor, you not being well, I jus-" She cut me off mid-sentence by putting her fingers on my lips.

"None of that is your fault, it's nature, don't worry, I'll be waiting for you in heaven, I expect you to join me." Tears began streaming down my face, one dropping off onto her cheek. She was now tearing up.

"Please, please don't talk like that, you gotta get better, babe come on, you can't leave me this quickly, we were supposed to grow old together." I now couldn't contain my emotions, I was crying my eyes out and pouring my heart out to her.

"Baby, please stop crying, your making me cry." A tear slid down her pale cheek, she looked like a ghost. "It's all going to be fine, your going to find someone else, you'll both be happy and you'll grow old with her, well at least I hope it's a her." I chuckled at the last statement. She always knew how to cheer someone up in a bad situation.

"I'm not gay if that's what your saying." She lightly laughed.

"Good." I held her hand tightly in mine and gave her a sip of water. We stayed like this talking for an hour, then I kissed her forehead and let the rest of her family and her mates go in to see her. I came out crying, I dried my eyes and cheeks, then I saw Sophie crying her eyes out to Liam. They were best friends those two, all of the girls were, they were going to lose to comic in their group at a young age, this wasn't fair. I went over and joined in the mass hug.


It was now around 6pm, I still hadn't left the hospital, I was staying here until, well you know. Then a nurse burst out of Hannah's room. "I'm sorry to say this but she is fading fast, she has requested to see her family and boyfriend again, she wanted me to write this note to her friends. Here you go." Louis went up to grab the letter as I walked in with her family. She looked even more ill than before. I let her parents go first, they hugged and kissed her goodbye, by now tears were streaming down my face. Darcey went up to her and hugged her. "Will you come and be an angel to look after me?" That set me off even more. Hannah just nodded. After all the family had been it was now my turn.

~Louis' P.O.V~

I went up and grabbed the letter from the nurse. I waited till the others had gone in the room and opened it up. I began reading; it read:

You Make Me Feel Safe. (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now