The Debt...The Beating...

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Here is my new chapter guys, hope you like it!

~Hannah's P.O.V~

I woke up at around 9:30am, it was a Saturday in early June. I woke up to the sounds of birds tweeting outside my window, the gentle breeze floating through my window, cooling my room so it wasn't too hot, I squirmed around under my duvet, not wanting to get out, my cat sat on the end of my bed, purring quietly, my head burried in between my pillows, then my door creaked open. My two pugs; Charlie; who was the original beige colour and Betty; who was black all over, ran into my room and jumped on my bed. I moved my hand to give them room to get in by me and started stroking them, my cat gradually moving up the bed to join the cuddling session. Everything seemed normal. Then my dad came in.

"How are you feeling today darling?" He came and sat on the side of my bed next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. Glad I know what it is now and also glad that I'm not puking my guts up like I was before." He chuckled gently.

"We are going to get you through this...As a family. Now, I have to go and drop your sister Liv at her friends, Darcey at her swimming lesson with your mum and drop both your brothers off at football, have fun in the house alone." He winked strutted out the door. I threw the covers back, rolled out of bed, almost kicking one of my dogs - oops, I brushed my hair and put it back into a rough ponytail and strolled downstairs in my pyjama's. (( I walked into the kitchen, followed by my many pets, and boiled the kettle for a cup of tea. I gave the animals some food and went into the lounge. I had quite a big house really, compared to my friends. They always wanted to come round here! I somehow felt really good and happy today, despite everything that happened yesterday. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I ran upstairs, grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" My voice sounded rough, raspy; like I was losing it. I cleared my throat.

"Hi Hannah." I searched my brain to try and remember who's voice it was. Then I found one.

"Harry?" I heard other voice's at the end of the phone. "Are the other's with you? Why are you ringing me? It's only 9:45am in the morning! I have only just got up!" The voices chuckled in unison.

"Um, we wanted to know if you wanted to meet up today, we need your help with some homework." I sighed.

"Well it will have to be later because as I said before, I have just got up!" I knew they were all listening intently.

"Well too late." Then, I heard the doorbell ring. OMG. I walked down the stairs, turned the key in the door and it swung open.

"Really?" They smiled, cheekily, as I stepped to the side and signalled them to come in. They took their shoes off and followed me into the kitchen. Straight away, their ankles were attacked by my dogs, they were very lively when it came to visitors and new people. My cat just sat there. Not amused. "Do you want a drink, I just made myself a cup of tea." I finished off putting milk in mine and pushed it to the side.

"Yeah go on then." Liam gave me the boys' requests and I got to work putting sugar in the different cups and waiting for the kettle to boil.

"You have such a massive house." I turned to face Zayn.

"Yeah it's pretty big." That's when I caught Niall looking at my big fridge. "Niall, go and have a look.

"Thanks." He smirked and embarrassingly walked over to the fridge. I made all the teas and placed them down on the dining table; where the boys were all sat around. My cat; Pebbles, was sat on Harry's lap, Betty was sat on Louis' lap and Charlie; the fat pug, was following Niall back and forth wanting some food.

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