[Fanart] Braken - Flight

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If you're like me, you might want to call me out for not mentioning Tristam since he was in Flight too, but this is just a showcase on Braken :)

Drawn 4/20/15

ABSOLUTELY NAILED THIS ONE!!! :D I'm so proud of it! The wings are partly taken from Aero Chord's logo and partly from some anime pictures I found (by searching Google for 'anime with wings'). I used this picture [http://hdwallpaperia.com/angel-anime-girl-wings-flight.html] to help me with the hands, and I'm very happy with them too, considering hands are very hard to draw. I don't know how this possibly turned out so great, but I think I've been getting somewhat better at humans over time. The logo is Braken's official logo, but the 'Braken' lettering above it is from Disrupt3d's To the Stars fanart. I drew Braken this way because this is how I imagine him looking in Monstercat University, with short black hair and dark eyes. I hope you guys love it!!

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