Drawn September 24, 25 & 28; October 9 & 17, 2015
I'm really proud to finally show you guys the finished result of this one. It started as a request from MrDaniomi one month and three days ago and turned into a big project that was heavily inspired by Crave, which is why I'd most often wait until I had Crave stuck in my head (or We Won't Be Alone, which I relate to Crave) to work on it. That's one reason it took so long, and also the fact that I thought it was such a good idea that I would go all-out on it and take the detailing to the next level, working with shadows like I'd never attempted to before, and I needed decent time to do that without rushing through it. And, lastly, I wanted to be in the perfect mindset while I worked on it, so I'd always wait until my mind felt clear. I was very careful and worked with the shadows until I felt I had them perfect. Monstercat is sitting with the sheet music for Crave (the wide spread of papers in the middle) and Frame of Mind (the stack of papers on the far left) in front of him. I searched on Google for images of grand pianos and used those to model this one. Monstercat was modeled mostly after his character on the 020 - Altitude cover. I envisioned this scene as a quiet, peaceful one, with no one but Monstercat in a room with nothing but a grand piano in the center, and the only light in the room coming from the one window, outside of which the sun is shining very brightly. Monstercat would spend hours a day in this room as the shadows changed their location, working hard to make every note of every song perfect. But I guess perfection is kind of hard to reach when your legs are so short you can't even Reach the pedal. It was hard to get a picture of this, so the shadows probably won't look exactly like they do on the real live drawing, but you can pretty much tell what it looks like. I enjoyed working on this, and I really hope you get as much out of it as I did.
My Art Book
RastgeleSince I love drawing as well as writing, I thought I would make this book to share some of my art with you guys. I'll post a lot of stuff from the past as well as newer stuff I've been working on. Right now I mostly make Monstercat fanart using penc...