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One of the most disgusting biologic things us humans have to do, yes in the long run it may save you from infection or disease. But still... Disgusting. For me the worst part of vomiting would be sticking your head in a toilet now filled with your undigested lunch, but the worst part is when you have to live with three boys who still at 10 years and older have not learned to flush the god damn toilet. Or worse when they pee on the seat and (without thinking) sitting on their urin. So yes... Remind me to puke in a trash can next time... Oh but wait there's more to my rants the worst part overall is when the men in the household have not only peed on the seat but didn't flush as well so as you are preparing yourself from the lunch that is going to projectively going to distillate out of your mouth is when you lean your head down to puke your neck touches the pee and your glasses fall into the vomit... Thank you men... I think I deserve to kick my brother in the place where the sun don't shine... But then again I'll just make sure as they're vomiting I will dunk their heads in the toilet... (I swear I'm not violent)       

Hatred... (Random stuff that I'll occasionally talk about/ when I'm pissed and need to rant about something)Where stories live. Discover now