Untitled (like my life)

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shit happens 

a lot of it happens

like friendships

and family

and things

secret things

that you cant talk about 

not to your mom


and especially you grandparents

so why do you keep secrets?

to save ourselves?

to not be punished?

to be liked?

or so you dont get someone in trouble?

thats why i keep them

for as long as you know

i could have killed someone and you wouldnt know

cause thats a secret 

meant to be kept

but i told them anyway

i promised

but it feels good to let go

one more thing that wont bring me to my grave

*insert mcr reference here*

BYE BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hatred... (Random stuff that I'll occasionally talk about/ when I'm pissed and need to rant about something)Where stories live. Discover now