Chatpter Twenty-Nine.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine.

“Hey you’re in my house now, so you have to be on best behaviour.” I grinned devilishly at Haley. She groaned again and I chuckled lightly.

 “How was your flight?” I asked bluntly at her, if she was going to be there, might as well make conversation.

            “Why do you want to know?” she hissed and I rolled my eyes in frustration.

            “Never mind, I’ll show you too your room.” I muttered as I lead her upstairs into the guest room. And swung my hand to the room as a weak welcome.

            “Welcome to your humble abode.” I smirked and she stepped in and the guest room and scowled at its beige ugly curtains and grandma smell.

            “It’s so small, but I guess it will  have to do.” She shivered in disgust as she bounced onto a seat onto the bed. She stared out the door and I leaned against the pillar entrance of the door. She looked past me eyes wide.

            “Why is there a guy in your house?” she hissed jumping from her bed. I panicked, my heart accelerated as I snapped my vision behind me to see Ryan fully dressed, thank god and walking down the stairs with his car keys in his hands. I stretched myself out in front of the entrance and exit.

            “What-t-t are you t-talking about?” I shuttered as I stretched my hands attempting to block any entrance way to the exit from his room.

            “He’s sexy.” She smirked as she popped up and ran at me, terrified I jumped out the way and lunged for her as she pinned Ryan to the ground. I felt a stab of jealous pierce my skin as Ryan attempted to lift himself.

            “What the hell Haley, get off Ryan!” I yelled as Haley cocked up a eyebrow, I saw Ryan mouth ‘sorry to me’ and he awkwardly tried to swift out her hands.

            “Ryan? What a sexy name to suit his sexy body.” She murmured licking her lips.

“I think I’ll have a taste.” She mumbled as she crushed her lips against his. I huge pound of jealous smashed my head. Anger raised to my skin as I darted forwards snapping her off him.

            “Haley! He has a girlfriend!” I grunted as she blushed at her kiss with Ryan and stood up.

            “So?” The Haley grunted back.

            “I do?” Ryan asked and Haley chuckled lightly.

            “Sarah! Remember?” I grumbled at him just as anger of him as her. I was so irritated.

            “Oh yeah.” He grinned at me and for a second I got lost in his eyes. I tore my gaze away too see Haley mirroring my gaze at Ryan. I smacked her head and he hissed in pain.

            “What the hell!” she exclaimed and I pushed her into her guestroom quickly locking the door. We only installed it for when auntie Jane lived there with us, and she had crazy dreams at her age so we locked her in her room at night. I chuckled at the thought and grinned at the banging of fists on the guest door. I turned my attention back too Ryan who held a impressed facial expression. I grunted a scoff as I walked over to him and pushed him lightly.

            “Don’t kiss my cousin, when you’ve got a girlfriend.” I grumbled, out of everyone he kissed my evil, devilish, manipulative cousin, Haley.

            “I wish I didn’t.” I heard him mumbled under his breath as he frowned. I pretended I didn’t hear what he had said and changed the subject.

            “Thank you for the great sleep.” I chuckled as I hugged him tightly.

“Seriously thank you.” I murmured against his neck and smile. His hands slipped around the small of my back as he rested his head on my head and breathed in the smell of my hair. I coughed awkwardly as I pulled back. Way to close to comfort. He groaned in disagreement but gave in.

“Well I don’t mean to rush you but. . I think you should go before Haley gets the wrong Idea about us.” I mumbled with a shy smile, he laughed lightly as I followed him downstairs to the front door, and swung it open letting that fresh air fill my lungs.

“Well goodbye, and have a lovely day.” I murmured as he stepped onto the porch.

            “Look Danielle I really have to tell you something important.” He mumbled frowning at the floor. I titled my head in confusion but smile softly.

            “Well . . .go on.” I grin at him and he looks me in the eyes straight on. So serious, I feel the sweat instantly make my hands clammy and the lump in my throat throbbing. I gulped down a swallow as he spoke.

            “Ever since the night at the party, I’ve not been able to stop thinking about−” he was interrupted back the annoying voice of Haley again.

            “DANIELLE GET ME OUT, OR I’LL CALL THE POLICE!” she screamed and I winced, god she could scream. I groaned.

            “I’m so sorry Ryan, oh yeah I’m having a party tomorrow, Saturday night. So invite everyone you know! I should go, before Haley does something stupid. Bye Ryan!” I exclaim as I rush upstairs only to hear the deep sigh of his voice and the quiet click of the door as he shut it and left.






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