Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Chapter Thirty-Two.

“I’ll believe that when I see it.” Ryan muttered lowly under his breath and I couldn’t help but smile.

            “Me too.” I whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear me over the music.

            “Sorry repeat that.” Ryan said slowly as he leaned closer towards my ear. I laughed.

            “I said, Dylan’s just a flirt.” He laughed at that nodded his head fiercely.

“Well you’re not stupid.” He tensed and I slapped his arm.

            “Hey, I’d say you don’t use snobby females for personally gain, but then I’d be lying.” I tensed back with a Mischievous glint in my eyes. He rolled his eyes but never the less grinned. My eyes wondered at his lips but I quickly tore my gaze away as I spotted Sarah gazing at me and Ryan. She didn’t look jealous more like envy. She looked venerable and sad for that brief second and it made me think for a second. Maybe she isn’t as bad as I think she is. I titled my head to the side slightly and blinked my eyes in confusion she spotted my gaze and her gaze morphed into a glare. I sighed then turned my vision back to Ryan. Who had raised an eye brow.

            “You ok?” he asked softly rubbing my forearms comfortingly. I wringed from his grasp.

            “Yeah. . err perfect. I just need to talk to someone for a second.” I hesitated as I spoke but then walked around Ryan and towards Sarah. I kept my face expressionless, she grinned as I approached her with that devilish tint shinning through her eyes as usual.

            “Hey.” I said politely, smiling slightly.

            “What do you want?” she hissed and I cringed lightly at the tone of her harsh voice.

            “Look I’m sorry.” I said quickly with a shiver, I licked the disgusting taste of my words off my lips. She titled her head towards me and frowned in confusion.

            “What?” she grunted, and I rolled my eyes. Need I say those words again.

            “Sorry.” I mumbled shifting closer to her so she could hear my voice.

            “Yeah I heard you, I’m just confused. Why are you apologising?” she asked hunching her back slightly.

            “I don’t know, I just don’t want us to always be so shitty attitude with each other, I honestly don’t even know how we became enemies in the beginning. So I’m sorry for whatever I did.” I said slowly watching her reaction. She grinned in a way which creeps me out, she raised her arm and I immediately thought she might slap me, but I held my ground. To my shock she draped a arm around my shoulders and smiled.

            “Your totally right! Let’s go have some fun.” She grinned and I smiled in return. She lead me to the kitchen and we chatted and got wasted. The last thing I remember was dancing on the dining table, the sound of the song ‘Strobe Light’ by Jason derulo drumming through my ears, the taste of deep vodka swirling around my taste buds and the wild thumping of cheers as hot breaths caressed my bare skin. The flashing of a bright light as I twisted into crazy sensual dancing.


I rolled in frustration as I attempted to get comfortable. I shivered in lack of warmth, my body felt cold and my head thumped from the terrible hangover. My eyes flickered open as I stared up into two emerald green eyes, It was only Ryan. Thank god. My eyes scanned his body he was fully dress, and the smell of alcohol had been replaced with the smell of unwashed. I looked up to meet his eyes and smiled, he didn’t smile back he was staring at my body lustfully. I sat up grinning at the fact I woke up next to Ryan instead of a wasted loner or loser.

            “What?” I asked, he was still staring at me, I followed his gaze to see my pink skin bare and exposed. I was naked. I screamed as I grabbed the nearest blanket, which was luckily my duvet. Wait we were on my bed. Oh god how bad did I mess up. Scarlet pink pools blushed to my cheeks in embarrassment.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” I blurted out wrapping my duvet tightly around my chest. I panicked so I jumped from my bed my hand running towards the door. That freezing breeze hit me instantly. Shit I forgot to grab my duvet. I stumbled back towards the duvet my breasts bouncing up and down. I blushed furiously.

“I’m so so so so so sorry!” I managed to gush out as I looked at his face, his eyes widened, his body tense and his jaw dropped. I rushed out the door and slammed it shut, I rested my back against the door and slid down to the ground. Taking deep breaths I tried to calm myself down. My thoughts rushed around my head trying to remember last night. But my head only wanted to answer one question.


All I remember was a huge party at my house, then dancing, drinking, lights, and noises. Then I blacked out. I sighed a harsh breath as I peered across the hall to see Haley’s door  wide open revealing two  scrawled figures tossed onto her bed, the duvet covering her body but only part of his. I sighed as I walked into my dad’s room, grabbed his t-shirt and slipped it on. I couldn’t face Ryan after that embarrassment. My father’s t-shirt reached about mid-thigh, I quickly flipped my hair and ruffled it with my hands. I walked slowly down the stairs staying clear off the random few bodies that were passed out on my staircase. I spotted Sarah in the kitchen and I smiled. I think we made peace last night. I could also notice Ron passed out on the sofa with Tyler, my French partner spooning him. I giggled as I instantly saw that Ron’s little friend was had gotten excited from the size of bulge that could be easily spotted from his pants.

Sorry its short. :(

hope you like it. I enjoyed writing it. :D



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