Chapter Forty.

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Chapter Forty.

My eyes widened as his lips hazily slipped into mine, it was almost as if he couldn’t wait any longer. And too my surprise I kissed him back fiercely as the passion bubbled in my stomach giving me the nervous feelings of butterflies and sparks. The kiss immediately made me forget about all my problems. With his lips against mine the world finally felt at peace for the brief seconds. His soft lips massaged mine as he slid my hands around my waist and held me tightly into his embrace. I neither protested of agreed, I was too lost in the moment to care. Too my sudden surprise he pulled away first and jumped off me in a panic running his hands through his hands, I’d never seen him so confused in my life. Me however, that kiss just blew my mind into complete dreamland I didn’t even know if I could speak. I sat up and staring at nothing to my complete awkwardness. I had just kissed my best friend. Talk about ruining everything, I knew our friendship wouldn’t be likely the same now. I pulled up at Ryan who looked down at me in silence, that was until he broke our tranquil silence.

            “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I had a whole speech planned out and now I’ve ruined it with damn hormones.”  He blurted out pressing his hands through his hair again, I had the strange pleasant erg to kiss him away, to feel his body near mine, just made me feel all tingly. I sighed then took into amount of the words he had just said. A speech?

            “A speech?” I asked raising an eye brow as I stood up and brushed the mud and dirt off my clothes. I was still too stunned to say much, I had just kissed my best friend! And he has a girlfriend. And I have a boyfriend. God its messed up. Then again I don’t actually like my boyfriend sometimes.

            “Yes.” He answered simply a soft blush raising to his face. It made him look so cute. I smiled softly.

            “Ryan that’s awfully sweet, but I need to remind you. . .you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend.” I said trying to keep my calm but my voice cracked and water rimmed my eyes. I could tell the words penetrated  Ryan’s skin like they did to me and I huffed in sigh. He noticed my reaction and rushed over to hold me in his arms. I sighed as a single tear escaped my eyes and trailed down my cheek.

“Ryan no offense but you just ruined our friendship.” I chuckled softly but he tensed under my arms and I nestled my head into the crook of his neck reassuringly, it felt as if I’d almost belonged there.

            “Elle, I’m so sorry, I was going to tell you, after that night at the party. I just couldn’t get you out of my head.” He confessed and I shot my head up too look at him. Was he being seriously? Of course he was he’s my best friend he wouldn’t lie to me.

            “This is going to sound harsh but I’m so sick of Dylan and his reputation. Always making me off as some whore. To be honest I don’t even know why I’m dating him, I think I’m going to be the first ever person to dump his ass!” I exclaimed then gasped my hand over my mouth quickly, maybe I shouldn’t have said that. I looked back up at Ryan to find a great huge grin planted on his lips. He looked so smug, I couldn’t help but smile.

            “Stop smiling its creeping me out.” I chuckled and kept staring at me with that smug grin.

“Stop it.” I protest and roll my eyes towards the floor. When I look by up his face is so close to mine, I catches me off guard making me gasped quietly.

            “Can I kiss you again?” he whispered gently, and I felt my knees wobble and my  heart rate pound in my chest.

            “I don’t know. . .Ryan.” I said hesitantly, suddenly regretting it as he frowned and pulled away. Before he could I clasped my head around his neck as brought my lips towards his, when our lips met I felt my whole body feel alert and free. I moved my lips in rhythm with his, a slow and gently mouthed kiss that soon turned in a passionate kiss that lingered on and on to my satisfaction. When we pulled away myself and Ryan were breathing hard our hands tightly around each other’s waists. I eyes drifted into Ryan as I saw the love and lust mixed into his alert bright eyes.

            “Yep, I’m breaking up with Dylan.” I said with a huff of relief, and I heard a scoffed laugh.

            “I’m that good a kisser, I’m I?” Ryan replied with the smile that boosted his ego. I rolled my eyes, with a laugh.

            “No.” I huffed turning away with a what-the-hell-you-on-about look. Which made Ryan chuckle.

That made me think, what if Ryan had kissed me before summer holiday? Would we be happily together and without this mess.

            “Ryan your timing is crap.” I stated nodding my head with a amused frown.

            “What! How?” he said quickly confused.

            “Just is.” I said without explanation, which I knew would annoy him, I found it amusing though.

“Well I’m to pretend that last 10 minutes did not happen until Monday when I’ll dump Dylan.” I said confidently, but was cut off by Ryan’s quick kiss.

“I’ll make that 10 minutes and 5 seconds to forget.”

Ryan sighed at the date but nodded, I hugged him tightly loving the smell of his clothes and his warm embrace.

            “Monday’s too long.” Ryan whined and I shook my head.

            “Have a little patience.” I said with a stern look. Ryan just rolled his eyes.

            “Well I’ll prove you of my devotedness and dump Sarah tonight!” he exclaimed, my eyes widened and I coughed out a laugh.

            “Ryan don’t make this into a game!” I laugh and he chuckles too.

            “Never.” He said smiling down at me. I frowned.

            “Just promise me one thing.” I said a whisper.

            “Anything.” Ryan said confidently.

            “Don’t break my heart.”

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