Chapter 4: Q&A

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Chapter 4: Q&A 

"Hey, Paul, so where do Bagon live exactly?" Dawn walked quickly next to me, her shorter legs straining to catch up to my longer strides. 

Did she ever run out of questions? "At the uppermost level of Meteor Falls." 

"Um, and how do we get there?"

I felt a headache developing. "As the name of the place implies, to get to the top we must scale a waterfall. Only the toughest Trainers are able to get there. Without dying, at least." 


She sounded neither scared nor angry at my description. I decided she was too big of a moron to realize I was telling the truth- people had died in Meteor Falls. It was one of the most dangerous places to go in Hoenn, even for advanced Trainers. It was the equivalent of Mt Silver in Johto, not that I could explain that to her. She'd never been to Johto. She'd never been anywhere. 

We'd been walking for a couple hours since lunch. Dawn hadn't been able to stop talking, especially since her little show. All day she'd been blabbing about the technique of perfecting moves and outfits she'd worn and a rival named Ursula, who she verbally abused with so much enthusiasm that I wondered if they'd ever gotten into a real fight before, which I imagined for a couple minutes as Dawn droned on about how horrible Ursula's Gabite was. 

I actually liked this Ursula, especially if Dawn was so annoyed by her, but kept my mouth shut, hoping that if I was quiet that Dawn would cease talking. 

The strategy was proving to be a failure. 

"So I guess I'll be seeing you," I said gruffly as she became mute long enough to catch a breath. 

"Whoa, what? I'm coming with you!" Dawn tugged at my jacket annoyingly. 

"I promised you can come with me to the end of the Route." I pointed to Meteor Falls which was now in view. "See that? My destination. The route is almost up. Go practice your contests moves or whatever." 

"But I still haven't learned anything from you. Maybe if I go to Meteor Falls I can become a stronger Trainer." 

"And what makes you think you're a tough enough Trainer to go to Meteor Falls, Dawn?" I stopped walking and she ran into me, her hat getting knocked askew. "What makes you think that you can even climb to the top of the waterfall? Do you see many Trainers who have Dragon type Pokemon like Salamence? No. I'm doing this alone." 

"I can climb to the top of the waterfall! I mean, Togekiss can fly me up there. She can fly you too, if you want. It'll be fun." 

"Fun? Do you think I'm coming all the way to freaking Meteor Falls for fun???" I scoffed. "Dawn, you really are more idiotic than you look." 

She frowned, but said nothing. 

"Go away," I commanded. 

"No. I want to see Meteor Falls. I've heard they have this-" 

I interrupted loudly in the girliest voice I could muster, "Lovely meteorites that sparkle when light hits them and they're going to inspire me to make up some totally wonderful contests moves that will win me a pretty bow!"  

"Hey! It's a ribbon, not a bow!" Dawn clenched her hands and I smirked. As if she would really hit me. 

"I am here on serious business. You? You're here because you're an annoying parasite who can't travel on her own because it's too scary and lonely." I rolled my eyes at how pathetic she was. "I, on the other hand, love being alone. Solitary confinement is my best friend. You? Not so much. In fact, I pretty much loathe everything from your stupid pink shoes to your skinny chicken arms." 

"You don't mean that," she said quietly. 

I laughed darkly. "Dawn, I mean everything I say. Everything, and I've never met someone more infuriating, girly, weak, and irritating as you. I bet you couldn't even make it to the top of Meteor Falls if you had a working elevator." 

"You're wrong, you know. I can make it to the top and I will!" She stomped her foot, yet again looking like a four year old child. 

I chuckled. "Ok, fine. Let's make a deal. If you don't make it to the top of Meteor Falls, you're not allowed to come near me ever again." 

I pictured the scene- Dawn, collapsed in the lake below the waterfall, drenched and unable to climb the relentlessly pounding water and whining about her hair being messed up as I waved one last, sweet good bye from the top. 

"And if I do make it to the top, I'll be allowed to travel with you for however long I want and you can't tell me to leave." Dawn crossed her arms. 

I smiled- she'd never make it. "Fine, you have a deal." 

Dawn held out a hand to shake on it, looking happier at her prospects. I just stared at it until she let it drop before beginning to walk again, staring at the huge mountain that held Meteor Falls not far away.

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