Author's Note

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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to read First Light. I hope you're enjoying it so far- it's really been a wonderful journey writing it. Before I started writing, I absolutely hated Dawn. Now... well, with some work she's not so bad. I tried to keep Dawn and Paul's personalities and traits from the show in my writing and hope I've accomplished that... but also a major thing I wanted to show is that, of course, "when one life meets another, something will be born". It's a very true statement and I feel like everyone changes each other and Dawn and Paul are no exception.

I'm really proud of what I've accomplished so far in this story- even little things like coming up with the chapter name "Supplies Surprise", which reminded me of titles of actual Pokemon episodes with play on word titles..... well, it's been a blast.

So, yet again, thanks for reading. I know the whole "romance" aspect is pretty low as of yet, but I hope if that's why you're reading this story that you give Paul some patience. After all, he doesn't want to wring Dawn's neck anymore. I'd say that's some progress :P

Oh, and also don't be afraid to comment. I seriousy won't set my Pokemon on you if you say something I don't like... though I can't promise Paul won't.

Have a great day,


Paul and Dawn: First LightWhere stories live. Discover now