Chapter 15: Friends

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Chapter 15: Friends 

"We should start heading east toward Verdanturf as we train," I said the next day during breakfast. "I'm getting bored of the same atmosphere and besides, who am I to deny you shopping opportunities in different towns? You might need a couple new pairs of shoes."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "I'm good with the shoes I have, thanks. But there might be some interesting things in that town. I'm all for it." 

"Ok. We'll spend most of the day walking, then. Unless you want to run. Bagon will be with my Pokemon for at least half the day." 

"I think I'll pass." Dawn finished her oatmeal, one of the only hot meals we could make with our limited supplies, and took our dishes to the pond to clean. 

I packed up our things and we were soon on our way, walking east. 

"How far away is Verdanturf anyway?" Dawn asked. 

"I'd say a week's walk. There should be at least one Pokemon Center along the way. We're on Route 116, if you don't know." 

"I looked at the map. I do know."

I studied her thoughtfully. "So you know Hoenn better now?" 

"Yep! I think Sootopolis looks the most interesting. It's in the center of a dormant volcano, right?" 

"Wow. Old dogs can learn new tricks." I smiled lightly. 

"I'm not old!" 

"No, you're exceptionally young." My smile widened a fraction. 

"Please. You're only a couple months older than me." She crossed her arms. 

"Would you accept both young hearted and young minded, then?"  

"What do you think?" 


She gave an exasperated huff and I chuckled. 

My Pokemon checked in with me every half hour or so, running ahead for twenty minutes before running back. After two hours of this, I let them rest.  

Dawn's only Pokemon outside of its Poke Ball was Piplup who marched next to Dawn, chirping about this and that every few minutes. Still, it was a nice, sunny day. It wasn't too warm, there was a slight breeze, and for the first time I felt my heart unclench as I traveled, actually enjoying more than just the progress my Pokemon were making for once. 

I walked a couple steps ahead of Dawn for the first few miles, but decided that Dawn's company was no longer horrendous enough to avoid and slowed so that she could catch up. In acknowledgment, all she did was nod. 

Huh. She really was different now. 

I stared at her. The breeze whipped her scarf around her neck. 

"Why do you wear that thing? It looks like it's going to choke you." 

"My scarf?" She ran it between her fingers. "Because my mom gave it to me before I left on my journey for good luck. Not to mention it's cute." 

"I see." I looked at the ground. 

"Did you get anything before you left on your journey? For good luck or anything?" 

"A speech from Reggie. It was wonderful," I said sarcastically. 

Dawn frowned and decided to remain quiet for the rest of the journey, which was a couple of hours long. We ate a huge meal for an early dinner- we had skipped lunch altogether. 

That night, I noticed Dawn didn't pitch her tent. I raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong with your pink and blue nightmare?" 

Dawn shrugged. "I just figured it wasn't required tonight." 

"So you're going to sleep out under the stars like a normal Trainer tonight?" 

"You know, it's not like I never have before, Paul," she said rigidly. "I slept outside practically every night with Ash and Brock." 

That soured my mood. "And why is tonight so different?" 

Dawn just shook her head and got her sleeping bag ready. 

I unzipped mine after taking off my shoes. "You're not afraid of me seeing you as a monstrosity in the morning and threatening to kill you?" 


I smiled. "Well, you should be." 

She turned so that she was facing me. "Wow, a death threat?" 

I shrugged. 

Dawn smiled playfully. "You may look and act tough, but I don't think you'd hurt anything." 

"Oh really?" I asked, amused. 

"Yeah. You're nothing to worry about." 

Without thinking, I said, "I'm neither friend nor foe, so you should worry." 

"We're not friends?" her voice sounded hurt. 

I frowned. "Define friendship." 

She paused. "A bond between two or more people who get along, keep each other company, and who like each other and make each other happy." 

I'd really backed myself into a corner and swore to myself. In her definition, we were friends. To her, there was some invisible bond that meant separation from her would be all the harder in the future- not because I wanted her near me, because I didn't, but because she felt we shared friendship.  

My repulsion weakened. I'd never had a friend before.

"Fine," I said suddenly. "We're friends. That still doesn't mean I still might not decide to kill you in your sleep." 

Dawn pulled the sleeping bag over her face to hide her smile. "I'll keep that in mind, friend." 

I suppressed a groan from her smugness. 

"Good night, Paul," she said sweetly before rolling over. I rolled to face away from her as well, trying to push thoughts of friendship from my mind so I could sleep.

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