Chapter 64: Somewhere

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Chapter 64: Somewhere 

I unloaded all the groceries from Torterra's back, returned him to his Poke Ball, and headed inside carrying far too many bags. Fortunately, none of them decided to rip and spill their contents over the floor as I made my way to the room Dawn and I were staying in. 

To my good fortune I found the door open, meaning I wouldn't have to fumble like an idiot with the handle. I hauled the bags inside, keeping my eye on the top canisters of Pokemon food that threatened to topple out of one of the multiple bags in my right hand, the weight beginning to dig painfully into my skin. 

I heard a gasp and looked up quickly, freezing in place. Dawn was standing next to the window, the curtains pulled back, the glass open so that the sun illuminated her, the wind tossing her hair gently. But that wasn't what made me freeze. 

Dawn was wearing a dress I'd never seen before. It was far more appealing than her Contest dress. Elegantly simple, a peach color that hinted at a pale pink. The material flowed smoothly and hugged her body, showing off the curves of her torso while flowing outward enough to conceal the exact shape of her hips. The dress was longer in the back around her legs, the exact sort of added extra I would expect Dawn would look for as she picked out something to wear. 

I hadn't been expecting to walk in on her wearing a new strapless dress and staring at me as if I were a ghost, but I wasn't going to complain as I continued staring back, absolutely unable to move as I memorized how stunningly beautiful she was in this moment.  

It was odd, this staring. As if I'd never really managed to see her properly before, though I seemed to think that a lot recently. My perspective always seemed to change on her, becoming more detailed and refined. I'd never noticed how blue, how curious, how gently innocent her eyes were. I'd absolutely noticed how frail her body seemed, yet now I knew she was capable of being strong and enduring despite her appearances. And I remembered how it felt to be right against her body just this morning. What it was like sharing our warmth, our skin touching under the covers, her curves coming into a peaceful contact with my own body. 

I took a deep breath as we stared at each other, frozen in this moment. The breeze blew Dawn's silky hair off her shoulders minutely, breaking my trance as I realized my arms were procrastinating from holding multiple heavy bags. 

I set them down gently on the floor right where I was, my eyes not leaving Dawn. She stood up a bit straighter and smiled, a slight blush on her face. 

"When did you get this?" I murmured, walking closer to her. 

"Um, when you were out flying." She fidgeted a bit with the train. 

"It's beautiful," I stated. 

Her eyes met mine and she looked away quickly.  

"Are you wearing this the rest of the day?" I asked, trying to sound casual.  

"I was planning on wearing it tonight. I was just trying it on right now." 

"I see." 

"It's a bit too dressy I think for wearing now..." 

"I don't think so."  

"Compared to what you're wearing right now it is." 

I frowned. I didn't exactly dress up for anything, ever. "Are you saying I should find something more suitable to wear?" 


Really, it seemed stupid to go out in public with a girl wearing a dress like that without matching the set dress code. Before I could complain mentally about this unforeseen change, I glanced at Dawn again, practically getting the breath knocked out of me. Girls shouldn't be allowed to look that good.  

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