Chapter 37: Round Two

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Chapter 37: Round Two 

"And here they are, folks! The next battle of round one! Give it up for Kenny and Dawn!" 

The crowd roared as they made their way to their places on opposite sides of the field. Kenny and Dawn released their Pokemon at the same time- his Breloom against her Quilava.  

Just what I wanted to watch... Kenny getting beaten. There was no doubt in my mind- Dawn would win. She'd had my training, how could that fail her? 

Smirking, I eagerly waited for the first move. 

Kenny started off with having his Breloom send an Energy Ball straight into the air, and then hitting it with a Bullet Seed. It exploded like a green firework and people clapped. 

Arceus, why did this moron even own Pokemon if he didn't even use them properly? Teaching a Special Attack like Energy Ball to a Breloom? What a waste.  

Quilava responded with Swift, which set off the light from the firework. As the stars collided, they caused more fireworks to erupt, but they were now shaped like stars. Quilava then used Flamethrower, causing Breloom to jump and dodge. 

Kenny's points decreased. 

Breloom then went straight up to Quilava after firing a Bullet Seed to distract him and used Mach Punch, making Quilava fly backward. Luckily, Quilava wasn't hurt enough to use Flamethrower midair at the ground to help him flip and land back on his feet.  

Dawn seemed to be enjoying herself. Kenny yet again tried a combination- a Mega Drain Mach Punch, though it failed as Quilava countered with Swift, dodging Breloom's arm, sending more stars at the Grass Pokemon who skidded back from the blow, wincing. 

Quilava used Dig and remained underground for a few seconds before Kenny cockily told his Breloom to go in after it. 

Bad idea. 

Suddenly, the field cracked and bulged, forming a small hill. A small plume of smoke slithered from the hole and I saw Breloom scrambling up, trying to get out of the massive hill, but not before a huge explosion escaped from the hole. Quilava had used Eruption, making the mound look like a volcano, fire and even pieces of the field blasting into the air. I could feel the heat from where I sat and smiled as I watched the flames burn. 

After a minute, the temperature cooled and the smoke cleared enough so that I could see that Breloom had fainted. Quilava climbed out of the hole and Dawn ran out onto the field to hug him. 

I sat back in my chair, feeling smug as I watched Kenny's look of horror as he studied his burnt to a crisp Breloom before returning him to his Poke Ball. So much for showmanship, chump. 

That's my girl. I smiled lightly, wondering if Dawn would do as well in the next battle. 

The other two battles dragged on for the entire five minutes and were decided by points. The Pokemon used were unevolved and didn't seem very well trained, so I tuned them out and began longing to train Bagon while I waited for Dawn's next battle. 

"Wow, I never would have expected that attack," Vivian commented with her bubbly enthusiasm that I'd been trying my hardest to ignore. "Now that we have our four winners, let's match them up again!" 

Dawn was now battling a girl named Merida while Zoey was battling a boy named Wesley. I watched with interest this time as Zoey sent out a Gallade to battle Wesley's Pidgeot. For having a type disadvantage, she did pretty well, though she still lost to the Pidgeot's speed and determination. I wasn't a big fan of Pidgeot considering its shallow move pool, but at least I could admire that Wesley and Pidgeot used graceful flying and power to dominate instead of focusing on appealing to the judges. 

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