Chapter 54: Haunting

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Chapter 54: Haunting 

There is something satisfying about being exhausted from exercise. It was hard to describe, but knowing one was attempting to become stronger to the point where they would sweat and bleed, would go through pain to the point of torture, was something I always appreciated about exercise. Yes, it was extreme, but those who went to extreme lengths were the ones who were the best at what they did.  

My Pokemon and I ran for hours that day. I don't know precisely how many, but we all could hardly move as we ran back to Dawn. 

"Make camp," I grunted to her, still trying to get air. Normally I would have waited until my breathing had calmed before seeing her, but I couldn't wait. I needed to sit, if not lie down, and breathe and be still while my limbs screamed at me, lectured me for going too far, too long, too hard on our run. 

Shut up, I told them as I crouched, wincing as my legs procrastinated from the movement. I sat down, resting against a tree trunk. If it weren't for my exercise I'd be weak. Just shut up so I can rest. I know it hurts. That doesn't mean you have to send me pain signals. I'm smart enough to determine my own health. 

I closed my eyes and breathed, listening to Dawn set up camp. When she finished I heard her feet move in front of me. "You went too hard." 

I chuckled. That was the most amusing thing I'd heard all day which is odd because normally I never would have found that even slightly entertaining. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Nothing." I opened my eyes and looked at her. Arceus, my muscles felt like mush. Is this what a Feebas felt like? It was horrible. 

"Are you even going to be able to move tomorrow?" 

"Of course," I said smoothly.  

Dawn looked at me doubtfully, but didn't argue. "Are you hungry?" 

"I should be." 

"Are you telling me you don't know?" 

I didn't even have the energy to shrug. "I'm tired." 

"You look like a mess."

I smiled at that too, something I normally wouldn't have done. "Do I?" 

"I'm sure you smell, too." 

"Naturally. I did just get done running for half the day." 

I closed my eyes against and heard Dawn unzip her bag. "I'll make dinner. You should at least have a little something." 

"Sure," I mumbled, feeling myself drift off.

I woke up slowly, noting how dark it was. I sat up and winced. My muscles were not happy with me. 

"Hey," Dawn said softly. 

I glanced next to me. She was sitting a few feet away against her own tree, Piplup in her arms. 

"How long was I asleep?" 

"Only an hour. Let me get you some food." Dawn put Piplup down after hugging him tightly to her chest. "I fed all our Pokemon too so no worries." 

Dawn handed me a plate of food. Now that I'd had some sleep and my body had calmed down I noticed how hungry I was. It woke me up. My muscles were no longer shaking, though they complained more as I moved compared to before falling asleep.  

I finished the entire plate and drank two bottles of water, glad to finally hydrate myself after sweating so much. I noticed how sticky my skin and clothes felt, wishing I could ignore the discomfort. 

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