Chaper 23: Hurt Pride

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Chapter 23: Hurt Pride 

"How could you let that stupid penguin beat you!?" I roared. "He's hardly more threatening than a Feebas. After all our training, you're still WEAK!" 

Bagon tried not to cower at my words, but I saw it in his eyes. The fear. 

"Stop looking at me like that," I snapped. "You're going to train until you faint, do you hear me? First, you will run. You're going on a run through the forest. I don't care if you're tired from the battle. Weavile and Honchkrow, stand by." 

I threw their Poke Balls and they appeared in a bright light. "You will follow Bagon as he runs. Bagon, if you're too slow, you will be attacked. If you wish, you can attack back to counter, but to do that you'll actually have to produce a Flamethrower, which it seems like you're too much of a pansy to do." I sneered. "Now go. Come back here in an hour. If you don't, you'll have to run for another hour and this time I'll set Electivire on you as well. Go!" 

With a jolt, Bagon began running, his breath hitching already. After giving him a head start, Weavile and Honchkrow faded into the trees silently. 

And I was alone.  

Steaming, I swore. 

"Hey, Paul?" Dawn made her way through the trees. "Dinner is almost ready. Where's Bagon?" 

"Training," I spat. 

She recoiled at my anger. It seemed like all of her frustration had leaked out of her after proving herself in battle. "What's wrong?" 

"None of your business." I put my hands in my pockets. 

"You're still upset that you lost? It was an Ice attack, Paul. Did you expect Bagon to endure it?" 

"I expected him to not be such a quitter." I refused to look at her. 

She was quiet for a moment. "That's cruel of you. Every Pokemon has its weakness and he can't help that Ice attacks are super effective against him. You even have your weaknesses, I'm sure." 

"I have no weaknesses!" I yelled. Arceus, what insolent thing is she going to say next? 

"You have no right to treat Bagon the way you're treating him right now, even if you both want to be stronger. As a Trainer, you are the one who's failed him, not the other way around. You haven't been training yourself, but you're forcing him to overwork. How is that fair?" 

"How dare you criticize me." My nostrils flared. "You're the one who is traveling with me, seeking my help, not the other way around." 

"Yeah, and you've taught me a lot, Paul. And that's one reason I won." Dawn glared at me. "Another is because I'm nice to my Pokemon and they don't fear me." 

"Go away." I turned my back to her. 

I heard her sigh, but she left, leaving me to think in peace. It troubled me, what she said. Was it really because she was nice to her Pokemon and trusted in them that she had won? 

I couldn't believe that. It had been because of the Ice attack. It had been because I'd been helping her learn what the meaning of 'strategy' was. And, really, I hadn't really been trying my hardest because she was as threatening as a newborn Caterpie. That was all. The only reason she won was because she'd had the type advantage. That ruddy "power of friendship" wasn't the reason we'd lost. 

I thought of Ash. He had beaten me during the Pokemon League in Sinnoh. That, I had to admit. Still, it was a onetime thing. He was one of the only Trainers of late to ever defeat me. The matches between Dawn and I were more for training, not actual battles that meant anything. 

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