Chapter 53: Running

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Chapter 53: Running  

That afternoon Dawn and I decided to pack up our things and keep walking to avoid Joey. We made sure to head in the opposite direction, hoping that Joey hadn't stopped running west since he left camp this morning. He was more annoying than all the Zubat in Mt. Moon combined. 

We talked throughout getting our things together, though only of casual subjects. Mostly of training, of my speculation that Togekiss was learning Dazzling Gleam on her own, and constantly of the look on Joey's face as he went sliding through the mud. He was as graceful as a Magikarp flopping on land. And just as stupid, though I didn't say that to Dawn. 

At every mention of the prank, Piplup and Bagon would laugh and high five each other. The two small Pokemon played hide and seek as we got ready to go, or at least Piplup attempted to. Bagon would pretend to count for a while before closing his eyes and feigning sleep, a smirk forming on his face when Piplup would abandon his hiding place and come yell at the Dragon type to pay attention and lecture him on how to correctly play hide and seek.  

Why would I do that? I practically heard Bagon reply. When bothering you is so much more fun? 

Piplup's patience reached its limit as Dawn and I put the finishing touches on organizing our packs. Dawn found him chirping angrily at Bagon who yawned in response. As she picked up her blubbery Pokémon, he waved his flippers frantically as if to attack. Bagon snickered and came to stand by me. He looked up, searching for approval. 

"You're running while we walk," I told him. His face dropped in shock. I held back a smile and crouched down, putting my hand on his head. Bagon stared at me in disbelief. His head was warm, the surface rough. I took it as a sign of strength and growth and nodded in approval. He wasn't too big of a slacker after all. 

With a final pat and a tiny growl that I assumed was pleasure from Bagon, I stood back up to see Dawn, backpack slung over her shoulder, a thoughtful smile on her face. 

"Time to go." I put my own backpack across my back. I began walking briskly east, knowing Dawn was about ten steps behind us, keeping her distance. My wondering about our distance was cut short as I heard Bagon's small pattering footsteps at my side. 

I exhaled, annoyed that the world felt a bit more right when Bagon was moving his tiny legs as fast as possible to walk next to me so that we could be a team. 

The irritation prickled in my thoughts. "Arceus knows you're never going to hang on me like a Joltik and ride on my shoulder, Bagon." 

I didn't look down to see if he reacted in any way and he didn't make any noise in reply. I kept going, deciding that it wouldn't be the end of the world if Bagon didn't run today. 

Partly for Bagon's sake and partly to be closer to Dawn, I slowed my pace until we were all walking in a line. I glanced at Dawn. Our eyes met, both calculating what the other was thinking. I smiled softly. She grinned sheepishly and pulled her left hand up to fix her hair. 

"How's your wrist?" I asked, watching her maneuver her hand gingerly with sloppy accuracy. 

"It feels fine now. I can't wait until I can take this thing off. It gets itchy." Dawn examined it herself. 

"If you ever need me to do anything about it, let me know." 


I kept walking, accidentally brushing my hand against hers as it swung. I glanced up at her. Dawn blushed and I couldn't help but smile faintly at the sight. 

We continued in silence for a while as I pondered which route would be most logical to travel- that of not easily attained love, or that of knowing future success as a Pokemon Trainer? I could have both if I chose Dawn possibly, but it was less likely a life was easier with so many dreams when two people chose to be together. Life wasn't a fairy tale and it was best to understand that now. 

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