Chapter 51: Storm

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Chapter 51: Storm 

I sat with my back resting against Torterra who was lying down in our camp and enjoying the relaxation that I hardly ever allowed. I stared at the words in the Pokemon training book Dawn had given me for my birthday as the sun set. It was impossible to read with all the thoughts running in my head, but I refused to look like I was troubled by anything except battling strategies.  

"Terra," he growled. 

I ignored him. A few seconds later a small Frenzy Plant root jabbed my leg. Annoyed, I closed my book. "What? I'm busy." 

I stood up and frowned at Torterra who stared back absolutely unintimidated by me. 

"Do you have a problem with how I'm living my life?" I glared at him. My partner stared back, unblinking. "I'm fine." 

Torterra shifted and rolled his eyes at me. Before I could retort Bagon, who had been dozing on Torterra's back, woke with a start and yelled. 

"What is it?" I studied him. He looked quite scared. Just then, the wind began picking up and the branches of the trees shook threateningly. Bagon leapt off Torterra's back and into my arms. I raised an eyebrow at him, not used to him showing any intimate contact with me. His body shook a bit. 

Torterra stood up and looked at the sky, grumbling. 

"Is there a storm coming?" I asked. He nodded and I looked at Bagon who seemed as afraid as a Ratata facing off against a Mega Gyrados. "Bagon, it's just a storm. Stop groveling." 

A low rumble of thunder shook the ground and Bagon gave a small yell again before burying himself deeper into my arms. 

This is ridiculous, I thought, irritated. "Torterra, watch the scared little Starly while I set up Dawn's tent, won't you?" 

After a few moments of shaking Bagon, who was gripping my arm so tightly it might lose circulation, he fell off. Torterra grabbed him with a Frenzy Plant, which twisted around Bagon's body like an Arbok. He didn't look very happy, but I knew the vine wasn't too tight to hurt him. I unwillingly began setting up Dawn's pink nightmare, not sure if I should be glad that we would be dry tonight. At least it had a tarp to keep the water out. 

As soon as I'd finished setting it up, Dawn ran through the trees carrying Piplup. "Guys, it's about to start raining. Quilava got really upset when he heard the thunder. You know how Fire Pokemon get around water." 

I was still admiring my handiwork with the tent, trying not to look at Dawn. I'd gotten anxious for no reason. Right then I glanced at Torterra, regretting it instantly. He'd always been a sap for feelings. 

"Oh, you built my tent. Thanks, Paul." Dawn put Piplup down who ran inside immediately, jumping up and down like he was greeting an old friend. Why did she never keep him in his Poke Ball?  

A flash of lightning made us flinch, followed by a loud roar of thunder. Bagon whimpered and used Flamethrower on the Frenzy Plant trap, which turned to ash. He dived into the tent, still anxious. 

"Awe, poor thing," Dawn murmured. 

"Torterra, return." I held out his Poke Ball, watching the red light envelop him as he calmly looked at me before turning to Dawn. "Ok, grab your stuff. We're going to be stuck inside for a while." 

We both gathered our things and ducked our way into the tent. The space was small, especially with Bagon and Piplup added to our group. They looked scared as the rain began pattering against the roof of the tent seconds later. Piplup wouldn't shut up, increasing the noise, while Bagon wouldn't sit still. He first crawled into my lap, looking up at me with Lillipup eyes as if expecting pity. After receiving my disapproval, he scurried to Dawn's lap where she cooed to him as if he were a baby. 

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